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Will recommend it to all my single friends. Solo or with a friend. The team were so easy to deal with, very professional and enthusiastic. Made you feel so welcome and comfortable. Transit as an alternative? An extension of the Eastside Gold Line — a Measure R funded project — is presently a third decade Measure R project and would get the train to Montebello and there is an ongoing technical study about two alternatives under study — one that would follow the 60 freeway to South El Monte, the other which would go to Whittier.

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Stay tuned. New developments reshaping Koreatown Building LA. A good look at several high-rise buildings that are under construction in K-Town, all near Wilshire Boulevard. The failed dream of the easy commute New Yorker. A wide-ranging essay about the Metro North accident last week in which a commuter train hit an SUV sitting on the tracks at a rail crossing in suburban New York.

Not directly transit-related, but we like to keep an eye on weather and climate. Is it greener to buy a new car or drive the older one into the ground? Her answer: over its lifetime, the Prius and other hybrids emits far less carbon dioxide, although there are a lot of variables. You could juice the numbers in your favor by buying a used hybrid, which has already made its manufacturing impact on the planet.

I also think a greatly expanded transit network here may make it possible for some families to lower the number of cars that they need to own. Hanging onto an older car probably means keeping one around that pollutes more than newer models.

Transportation headlines, Tuesday, February 10

That said, most of us can only afford to replace a car so often — so perhaps it does make sense to keep the car, run it into the ground and keep it parked a lot of the time. Categories: Transportation Headlines. The 5 between the and is the worst bottleneck, so how come the gets all the attention?

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This new study showed that when men were seated and the women rotated, the men were more selective. You pick the age bracket that works best for you! The San Gabriel couple hit it off and got married on Oct. The Internet has revolutionized the dating landscape. Thanks but no thanks". Retina Macula Institute.

Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Advance Vision Center of Optometry.

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Advanced Retina Associates. Alliance Retina Consultants.

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Associated Chico Eye Specialists. Bay Area Retina Associates. Brent C Norman MD. Burbank Family Optometry. Byers Eye Institute at Stanford. California Department of Rehabilitation. California Pacific Medical Center. California Retina Associates. California Retina Consultants. Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Center for the Partial Sighted. Christopher Arthur Larson MD. Community Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Dan K Sakamoto MD. De La Pena Eye Clinic. Delta Eye Medical Group Inc. Denis Wallace OD. Huntington Pavilion. East Bay Retina Consultants. Empire Eye Doctors Medical Group.

Encino Optometric Center. Eye Care Center of Napa Valley.

Focal Point Optometry. Gavin Herbert Eye Institute. Gloria Wu MD. Gregory C Tesluk MD. Inland Eye Institute. Inland Eye Specialists. Insight Vision Center. Suite Jeffrey K Luttrull MD. Joseph F Ruda Jr. Joseph Sidikaro MD. Jules Stein Eye Institute. Kenneth O Sparks MD. Kuljinder Singh Grewal MD.