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While we will have several ATMs on site, we encourage you to minimize hand-to-hand transactions by using credit cards. February 20, Parking along Stockton Drive is free. The administrative divisions of Illinois are counties, townships, precincts, cities, towns, villages, and special-purpose districts. The Lincoln Park Commission constructed the Lincoln Park Conservatory in phases between and , replacing a small greenhouse that dated from the s. Holiday Experience tickets are only used to enjoy various attractions once inside ZooLights To enter the zoo, you must buy an entry ticket.

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Erik 28 year old man. Dominike 40 year old man. Jackson 39 year old man. Diverse marine life lived at this time, including trilobites , brachiopods , and crinoids. Changing environmental conditions led to the formation of large coal swamps in the Carboniferous.

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Illinois was above sea level for at least part of the Mesozoic , but by its end was again submerged by the Western Interior Seaway. This receded by the Eocene Epoch. During the Pleistocene Epoch , vast ice sheets covered much of Illinois, with only the Driftless Area remaining exposed. These glaciers carved the basin of Lake Michigan and left behind traces of ancient glacial lakes and moraines. American Indians of successive cultures lived along the waterways of the Illinois area for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. The Koster Site has been excavated and demonstrates 7, years of continuous habitation.

Cahokia , the largest regional chiefdom and Urban Center of the Pre-Columbian Mississippian culture , was located near present-day Collinsville, Illinois. Monks Mound , the center of the site, is the largest Pre-Columbian structure north of the Valley of Mexico.

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The finely crafted ornaments and tools recovered by archaeologists at Cahokia include elaborate ceramics, finely sculptured stonework, carefully embossed and engraved copper and mica sheets, and one funeral blanket for an important chief fashioned from 20, shell beads. These artifacts indicate that Cahokia was truly an urban center, with clustered housing, markets, and specialists in toolmaking, hide dressing, potting, jewelry making, shell engraving, weaving and salt making. Many indigenous tribes engaged in constant warfare. According to Suzanne Austin Alchon, "At one site in the central Illinois River valley, one third of all adults died as a result of violent injuries.

The small French settlements continued, although many French migrated west to Ste. Genevieve and St. Louis, Missouri , to evade British rule. A few British soldiers were posted in Illinois, but few British or American settlers moved there, as the Crown made it part of the territory reserved for Indians west of the Appalachians, and then part of the British Province of Quebec. In a compromise, Virginia and other states that made various claims ceded the area to the new United States in the s and it became part of the Northwest Territory , administered by the federal government and later organized as states.

The Illinois-Wabash Company was an early claimant to much of Illinois. The Illinois Territory was created on February 3, , with its capital at Kaskaskia , an early French settlement. During the discussions leading up to Illinois's admission to the Union , the proposed northern boundary of the state was moved twice. Such a boundary would have left Illinois with no shoreline on Lake Michigan at all. However, the Illinois delegate, Nathaniel Pope , wanted more, and lobbied to have the boundary moved further north.

More importantly, it added nearly 50 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline and the Chicago River. Pope and others envisioned a canal that would connect the Chicago and Illinois rivers and thus connect the Great Lakes to the Mississippi. In , Illinois became the 21st U. The capital remained at Kaskaskia, headquartered in a small building rented by the state. In , Vandalia became the capital, and over the next 18 years, three separate buildings were built to serve successively as the capitol building. In , the state legislators representing Sangamon County , under the leadership of state representative Abraham Lincoln, succeeded in having the capital moved to Springfield , [32] where a fifth capitol building was constructed.

A sixth capitol building was erected in , which continues to serve as the Illinois capitol today. Though it was ostensibly a " free state ", there was nonetheless slavery in Illinois.

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The ethnic French had owned black slaves since the s, and American settlers had already brought slaves into the area from Kentucky. Slavery was nominally banned by the Northwest Ordinance, but that was not enforced for those already holding slaves. When Illinois became a sovereign state in , the Ordinance no longer applied, and about slaves were held in the state. As the southern part of the state, later known as "Egypt" or "Little Egypt", [33] [34] was largely settled by migrants from the South, the section was hostile to free blacks.

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Settlers were allowed to bring slaves with them for labor, but, in , state residents voted against making slavery legal. Still, most residents opposed allowing free blacks as permanent residents. Some settlers brought in slaves seasonally or as house servants. In , John A. Logan helped pass a law to prohibit all African Americans, including freedmen , from settling in the state. The winter of — is called the "Winter of the Deep Snow"; a sudden, deep snowfall blanketed the state, making travel impossible for the rest of the winter, and many travelers perished.

Several severe winters followed, including the "Winter of the Sudden Freeze". On December 20, , a fast-moving cold front passed through, freezing puddles in minutes and killing many travelers who could not reach shelter. The adverse weather resulted in crop failures in the northern part of the state. The southern part of the state shipped food north, and this may have contributed to its name: " Little Egypt ", after the Biblical story of Joseph in Egypt supplying grain to his brothers. It represents the end of Indian resistance to white settlement in the Chicago region.

The survivors were forced back to Iowa. By , the Latter Day Saints had founded a utopian city called Nauvoo. Located in Hancock County along the Mississippi River, Nauvoo flourished, and soon rivaled Chicago for the position of the state's largest city.

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Following a succession crisis Latter Day Saints , Brigham Young led most Latter Day Saints out of Illinois in a mass exodus to present-day Utah ; after close to six years of rapid development, Nauvoo rapidly declined afterward. After it was established in , Chicago gained prominence as a Great Lakes port, and then as an Illinois and Michigan Canal port after , and as a rail hub soon afterward. By , Chicago was Illinois's largest city. In , after lobbying by Dorothea L. Dix , Illinois became one of the first states to establish a system of state-supported treatment of mental illness and disabilities, replacing local almshouses.

Dix came into this effort after having met J. King, a Jacksonville, Illinois businessman, who invited her to Illinois, where he had been working to build an asylum for the insane. With the lobbying expertise of Dix, plans for the Jacksonville State Hospital now known as the Jacksonville Developmental Center were signed into law on March 1, Beginning with President Abraham Lincoln 's first call for troops and continuing throughout the war, Illinois mustered infantry regiments, which were numbered from the 7th to the th regiments.

Seventeen cavalry regiments were also gathered, as well as two light artillery regiments. During the Civil War, and more so afterwards, Chicago's population skyrocketed, which increased its prominence. The Pullman Strike and Haymarket Riot , in particular, greatly influenced the development of the American labor movement. Many people from other parts of the country were attracted to the state by employment caused by the expanding industrial base.

By the end of the century, the population had reached The Century of Progress World's fair was held at Chicago in Illinois manufactured 6. Illinois had a prominent role in the emergence of the nuclear age. In , as part of the Manhattan Project , the University of Chicago conducted the first sustained nuclear chain reaction.

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In , Argonne National Laboratory , near Chicago , activated the first experimental nuclear power generating system in the United States. By , the first privately financed nuclear plant in the United States, Dresden 1 , was dedicated near Morris. In , Fermilab , a national nuclear research facility near Batavia , opened a particle accelerator , which was the world's largest for over 40 years.

With eleven plants currently operating, Illinois leads all states in the amount of electricity generated from nuclear power. In , Illinois became the first state in the nation to adopt the recommendation of the American Law Institute and pass a comprehensive criminal code revision that repealed the law against sodomy. The code also abrogated common law crimes and established an age of consent of The first Farm Aid concert was held in Champaign to benefit American farmers, in The worst upper Mississippi River flood of the century, the Great Flood of , inundated many towns and thousands of acres of farmland.

On August 28, , Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed a bill into law that prohibited state and local police from arresting anyone solely due to their immigration status or due to federal detainers. This marks the beginning of Illinois's southern border with Kentucky , which runs along the northern shoreline of the Ohio River. The northeastern border of Illinois lies in Lake Michigan , within which Illinois shares a water boundary with the state of Michigan , as well as Wisconsin and Indiana. Though Illinois lies entirely in the Interior Plains , it does have some minor variation in its elevation.

In extreme northwestern Illinois, the Driftless Area , a region of unglaciated and therefore higher and more rugged topography, occupies a small part of the state. Southern Illinois includes the hilly areas around the Shawnee National Forest. Other highlands include the Shawnee Hills in the south, and there is varying topography along its rivers; the Illinois River bisects the state northeast to southwest.

Illinois has three major geographical divisions. Northern Illinois is dominated by Chicago metropolitan area , or Chicagoland, which is the city of Chicago and its suburbs, and the adjoining exurban area into which the metropolis is expanding. As defined by the federal government, the Chicago metro area includes several counties in Illinois, Indiana , and Wisconsin , and has a population of over 9.

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