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How Can I Get Help? How Can I Help? Important Dates Please use the "Contact Us" button above for questions on dates, times, or event details. Camp Sessions Week 1 Session.
Community Partners Kling Family Foundation. Meet This Chapter's Program Director. Dionna Arimes, Senior Program Director — dionna. Kesem Through and Beyond Support Our free year-round services provide children impacted by a parent's cancer a continuum of touchpoints throughout the year.
Camp Kesem Kesem's flagship program operates over free summer camps in 40 states for children ages 6 to 18 who have been impacted by a parent's cancer.
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Kesem Warm Welcome Kesem's care package program that immediately includes all families into our greater community in a personal, supportive manner. Kesem Connections Provides Kesem families with regular updates including important deadlines and events.
Kesem By Your Side Provides customized support for children through the many challenges associated with a parent or guardian's cancer journey. Kesem Special Deliveries Provides all children with personalized greetings—delivered by either traditional or electronic mail. Kesem Online Resources Provides online access to topical resources—including publications, books, organizations and resources. Kesem is a c 3 organization.
More questions? Her teachings are deeply rooted in over 22 years of applied study in ecstatic dance, massage therapy, tantra, self-care and emotional mastery; relationships and communication; shamanism and other related spiritual arts. Yarah offers workshops, retreats, and classes throughout the US and online, as well as, works with clients one-on-one in her private practice in Seattle and while traveling to a city near you.
Contact: seattle tantrany. Share with friends.
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