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Christian concerts events in New York, NY

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Christian events events in New York, NY

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Thu, Oct 22, Christianity and Our Culture Wars. Share Christianity and Our Culture Wars with your friends. Save Christianity and Our Culture Wars to your collection. Christian Community Center Live Service. Tue, Oct 27, PM. Thu, Oct 22, PM. Christianity and Our Culture Wars. Share Christianity and Our Culture Wars with your friends. Save Christianity and Our Culture Wars to your collection.

New York, NY Christian Concerts Events | Eventbrite

Today at PM. Christian Community Center Live Service. Fri, Jun 4, PM. Masterpiece Fashion Show. Share Masterpiece Fashion Show with your friends. Save Masterpiece Fashion Show to your collection. Wed, Oct 14, PM. Sat, Oct 24, PM. Autumn Benefit Concert. Share Autumn Benefit Concert with your friends.

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Save Autumn Benefit Concert to your collection. And I got to talk to all of them, too! Needless to say, I'm definitely coming back!

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The host was very friendly and made sure I was comfortable. It was very affordable, too. I'll definitely do this again! Amanda from Westchester: I've tried everything to find the man of my dreams from blind dates to adult personals.

Speed dating, however, seemed like the most fun option of all and it was! Speed dating seemed promising, though, so I tried it.

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Todd from New Jersey: I've heard a lot of positive speed dating stories, so I decided to try it myself. Christianity and Our Culture Wars. Thu, Oct 15, PM. Stay connected: Browse our online and virtual events. RPC Worship. Holy Eucharist Sunday at AM.

It was great to meet some really good folk. I also liked how the venue and atmosphere.

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I didn't realize it was going to be such a great experience. I met some great chicks and really had a great time.

Christian Speed Dating

Speed dating was something I haven't tried yet, though, so I did. I'm definitely going to do it again with you guys! Plus you get drinks and attention from the host in a very hip place.!

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Thankfully, the host was very accommodating and friendly. Speed dating, therefore, seemed like a good place to meet people.

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And it was!