Read the letter. PFLAG Connects is a way to meet where you are, as you are, through online meetings and digital resources. Connect now. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. We advocate at the state, local, and federal level for full legal equality for people who are LGBTQ and their families, so all people can work, study, play, pray, and live safely and happily.
The PFLAG National Board of Directors releases policy statements on issues critical to creating a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed. Ready to make a difference? Yes, sign me up.
Skip to main content. I assume there was some sort of relationship between the bar management and the local police, so they really didn't want to arrest those people. But they had to at least look like they were doing their jobs. No print accounts of the riots by reliable sources cite Garland as a reason for the riot. Only one contemporary account suggested it, an account by a heterosexual person ridiculing the riots.
The street kids faced death every day.
They had nothing to lose. And they couldn't have cared less about Judy. We're talking about kids who were fourteen, fifteen, sixteen. Judy Garland was the middle-aged darling of the middle-class gays.
I get upset about this because it trivializes the whole thing. You light it, I throw it, 'cause if it blows up, I don't want it to blow up on me. The doors flew open and officers pointed their weapons at the angry crowd, threatening to shoot. Howard Smith, in the bar with the police, took a wrench from the bar and stuffed it in his pants, unsure if he might have to use it against the mob or the police. He watched someone squirt lighter fluid into the bar; as it was lit and the police took aim, sirens were heard and fire trucks arrived. Witnesses recollect that some of the most "feminine boys" were beaten badly.
Author Edmund White insists that Smith and Truscott were trying to assert their own heterosexuality by referring to the events and people in derogatory terms.
There is no limit to the number of events you may attend with our compliments for the duration of your package. John O. Events are social. Please do not send unsolicited private messages to members, this platform is created for people to meet in-person at events. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote.
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Cain, Paul Scarecrow Press, Inc. Carter, David Martin's Press. Clendinen, Dudley, and Nagourney, Adam Out for Good. Deitcher, David, ed. Duberman, Martin Penguin Books. Edsall, Nicholas University of Virginia Press. Faderman, Lillian Faderman, Lillian ; Timmons, Stuart Gay L. Basic Books. Fejes, Fred Palgrave MacMillan. Gallo, Marcia Seal Press.
Katz, Jonathan Thomas Y. Crowell Company. LaFrank, Kathleen, ed. January Department of the Interior: National Park Service. Marcus, Eric Making Gay History. Teal, Donn The Gay Militants. Williams, Walter; Retter, Yolanda, eds. Greenwood Press. New York: Warner Books. Sexual revolution. Virginia Miller Test Obergefell v.
One Book Called Ulysses. Christopher Street magazine. LGBT history. In journalism In policing History of same-sex unions Queer erasure bisexual lesbian. Sudan Kenya Niger Uganda. Australia New Zealand Nauru.