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Job Tools. Contact Us. United States. United States Canada. Back to Salaries. Otters are incredibly playful animals who we love to learn about and visit at our local zoos, but many are threatened or even endangered and, without action, we may someday sadly live in a world without them.

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That is why on May 27 we celebrate World Otter Day, a holiday created to raise awareness to the plight of our furry friends. Slowly and steadily, turtles have woven their way into our hearts and into our culture through stories, parables, and even a memorable television show about pizza and karate! These lovable reptiles represent independence, endurance, longevity and patience around the world, which may be encouraging to us in the current climate of uncertainty and solitude. What is migration? Why do animals migrate? Why should you care? Since today is World Migratory Bird Day, I thought I would share with you why bird species are so important and how you can get involved in helping them!

Greetings Akron Zoo family! Since the zoo has been closed, we've been receiving a lot of questions from the community about the staff and the animals: How are the animals doing? Are animal care staff still there? What changes at the zoo on days when guests are not around? Today I wanted to answer all of those questions and give you a look into the workings of the zoo, both when we're open to the public and when we are closed. May is National Photography Month and we want you to celebrate with us by submitting your very best nature photos in our photography contest!

Photos can include your family enjoying nature, animals in their natural habitat or at the Akron Zoo, and even plant life in our gardens or yours!

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It's Volunteer Appreciation Week and the Akron Zoo would like to thank all of our dedicated Edzoocators and teen volunteers who have donated their time and talents over the last year to improve your Akron Zoo experience! They help us achieve our mission of connecting your life with wildlife and inspiring lifelong conservation action by helping with special events, giving animal encounters, teaching guests about animals while roaming the zoo and even doing important prep work behind the scenes.

To celebrate, we wanted you to meet a few of our hard working volunteers!

Around the world, bats are cultural symbols for darkness and death, and in the western hemisphere they are even associated with characters like vampires. Many people have a fear of bats because they can carry certain diseases. However, bats play an important role in the environment, both as pollinators and as pest control, and most importantly: they are so stinking cute! Happy World Art Day! To celebrate, we asked you to submit your best animal art and you delivered! Back by popular demand, during the month of March the Akron Zoo asked you to vote in our March Madness bracket for your favorite zoo animals!

Read more to learn about this year's winner! World Art Day is coming and your Akron Zoo wants you to get creative! Break out your art supplies and draw, paint, sketch or sculpt your favorite animal. No matter what you like to eat, we can all agree that balanced nutrition is a key part of the human diet, and animals are no different! Since every species processes nutrients differently, it is important to provide animal-specific diets to keep all of our Akron Zoo residents healthy. That's why keepers work hard to provide both nutritional and desirable food items to every animal every day, and since March is National Nutrition Month, we wanted to give you an inside look!

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This National Employee Appreciation Day we wanted to highlight several Akron Zoo employees in departments that are often overlooked. Of course we need animal keepers and vet staff to care for our animals and provide them with the best home possible, but we also require staff who maintain our park, educate guests and make your experiences memorable for years to come! This Monday we celebrate something that many of us take for granted: Inclusion.

March is National Disabilities Month! Are there horses at the Akron Zoo? However, we do have several other hooved animals, or hoofstock, in our care, and since February is International Hoof Care Month, I thought I might tell you a bit more about them! Some invasions are hard to ignore, like invasion of privacy, invasion of personal space, or invasions from outer space! Each year on February 15th, we declare to the world that there is nothing wrong with being single. Voted the handsomest rabbit in Akron by… himself.

He is a five-year-old lionhead mix breed and just one of the Animal Ambassadors here at the Akron Zoo. We know it is still early in , but the Akron Zoo is already beginning to look for seasonal staff to fill many positions across the park! Positions include seasonal custodial, groundskeeping and guest services staff, which includes openings in admissions, birthdays, guest experiences, food service, and gift shop!

This Penguin Awareness Day, we wanted to make sure you are aware of the five new arrivals to your Akron Zoo! These fine feathered friends just flew in on a plane from SeaWorld San Diego and have been getting settled in Akron since mid-November! Learn more about each one of our new Humboldt penguins here!

In , the bald eagle was chosen as the U. To this day, bald eagles can be found across the continent, both throughout their native range and in the wallets of many Americans on the backs of large coins. Read more to learn about the protection of bald eagles across the continent and at your Akron Zoo! Since , the Akron Zoo has connected your life with wildlife by introducing you to animal species from around the world. Because of this, we are always overjoyed when a new species joins the Akron Zoo family, especially when that species is of high priority to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums AZA.

Learn more about these two siblings and why they are a priority species! Ah, National Trivia Day! The holiday that celebrates those trivial facts that get stuck in your memory. In honor of this holiday, we wanted to share a few bits of animal trivia you can use to impress your friends and expand your knowledge!

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The presents have all been opened, the carols have all been sung and the Christmas season has come to a close, but we still have a reason to celebrate this week! Since the animals at your Akron Zoo come to us from all around the world, some of our residents like many Ohioans choose to spend the winter indoors where it is warm. Some species, however, are perfectly suited for the snow and they love to spending this season outside! We wanted to take this opportunity to spotlight our animal residents who like it cold!

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Please register asa p on the official websites. Dads are some of the most amazing people and animals in the world. And then the other dating coaching session, typically we like to do about midway through the membership. It just would be a little silly to do that. I love to hike.

Unfortunately, as the years passed, the piles of game collected during each hunt grew smaller and conservationists grew concerned with shrinking bird populations. In , ornithologist Frank M. Chapman suggested a new tradition: a bird census rather than a hunt. This began our annual tradition, the Christmas Bird Count!

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Today we hope you would consider giving to your Akron Zoo. Through your gift, you support exceptional animal care and quality habitat construction and maintenance for every animal who calls the Akron Zoo home, especially our newborns! While many families celebrate Thanksgiving with a cooked bird, there are others who would prefer to save turkeys from their fate.

The event encouraged individuals to sponsor and care for rescue turkeys in their facility. Though your Akron Zoo has not participated directly with this event, we did adopt a rescue turkey of our own in , and we wanted to answer some guest questions about him! Every November the world celebrates Orangutan Caring Week, calling people to take action against the destruction of the rainforest.

Though the event was started by Orangutan Foundation International OFI as Orangutan Awareness Week, awareness is simply not enough to make the desired change and many organizations, including your Akron Zoo, have joined in taking action and encouraging others to do the same. Polar Bear Week, which this year is celebrated November , is an awareness event which coincides with the fall polar bear migration. During the summer, as rising temperatures melt the northern sea ice, these bears bide their time on land, relying on fat reserves for survival.

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In the fall they migrate back to the Hudson Bay and wait for the sea ice to reform so they can return to hunting seals. One of the greatest threats to polar bear populations is the rapid loss of sea ice due to climate change. Every years we remodel to bring you a new and exciting animal experience. However, despite these changes, there has always been one constant presence: our jellyfish. It is no secret that people find jellyfish intriguing.

On November 3, we celebrate World Jellyfish Day, an observance that honors these unique animals and gives us the opportunity to learn more about them! As part of the festivities, we thought we would bring you some fun and mysterious facts about our squishy friends!

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On this episode of Wingin' It with Frances F. Feathers, Frances has found a kindred spirit in lead avian keeper, Joe. Bird nerds unite! International Snow Leopard Day raises awareness for these beautiful, endangered animals each year on October This is done to maintain genetic diversity among these endangered big cats. Today, Baya's siblings can be found in accredited zoos all across the country! Celebrated October , this week provides an opportunity to appreciate local vet techs by highlighting the important work they do and recognizing their contributions to animal welfare. Learn about their amazing jobs and personalities , and how they make the zoo a better place for our animals!

If you have stopped by your Akron Zoo lately, you have probably seen the Landon and Cynthia Knight Pride of Africa, filled with recognizable animals from the African savanna such as storks, gazelles, and African lions. However, there is one animal in Pride of Africa that may be new to many of us: the eastern crested guineafowl. World Smile Day encourages individuals to do an act of kindness to make someone else smile, and World Animal Day encourages us to improve the future for animals!