Members of the House of Representives are elected to 2-year terms, and the following chart shows the how the members for Connecticut have changed over time starting in As of , In , there were 1. There were The following chart shows the 7 races represented in Waterbury, CT as a share of the total population.
In , the percentage of foreign-born citizens in Waterbury, CT was The following chart shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Waterbury, CT compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. In , the median age of all people in Waterbury, CT was Native-born citizens, with a median age of 32, were generally younger than than foreign-born citizens, with a median age of But people in Waterbury, CT are getting getting older. In , the average age of all Waterbury, CT residents was In , the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents of Connecticut was India, the natal country of 39, Connecticut residents, followed by Jamaica with 35, and Mexico with 29, The following chart shows US citizenship percentages in Waterbury, CT compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies.
Waterbury, CT has a large population of military personnel who served in Vietnam, 1.
Males in Connecticut have an average income that is 1. The income inequality in Connecticut measured using the Gini index is 0. The economy of Waterbury, CT employs The following chart shows how the median household income in Waterbury, CT compares to that of its neighboring and parent geographies. This chart shows the gender-based wage disparity in the 5 most common occupations in Connecticut by number of full-time employees. These workers were paid 1. This chart shows the race- and ethnicity-based wage disparities in the 5 most common occupations in Connecticut by number of full-time employees.
In , the income inequality in Connecticut was 0. Income inequality had a 0. In other words, wages are distributed less evenly in Connecticut in comparison to the national average. This chart shows the number of workers in Connecticut across various wage buckets compared to the national average.
The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 35 - 44 and then Males 6 - The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine who classifies as impoverished. If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold than that family and every individual in it is considered to be living in poverty. The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Waterbury, CT is White, followed by Hispanic and Black. From to , employment in Waterbury, CT grew at a rate of 1. This chart illustrates the share breakdown of the primary jobs held by residents of Waterbury, CT.
This chart shows the share breakdown of the primary industries for residents of Waterbury, CT, though some of these residents may live in Waterbury, CT and work somewhere else. Census data is tagged to a residential address, not a work address.
The following chart shows the share of these products in relation to all outbound Connecticut products. This is expected to increase The following chart shows how the domestic outbound Connecticut trade is projected to change in comparison to its neighboring states.
The following map shows the amount of trade that Connecticut shares with each state excluding itself. In , universities in Waterbury, CT awarded 2, degrees. The student population of Waterbury, CT is skewed towards women, with 6, male students and 9, female students. The largest universities in Waterbury, CT by number of degrees awarded are Post University 1, and In , the most common concentation for Associates Degree recipients in Waterbury, CT was General Studies with degree-majorss awarded.
This visualization illustrates the percentage of students graduating with a Associates Degree from schools in Waterbury, CT according to their major. In , the Waterbury, CT institution with the largest number of graduating students was Post University with 1, degrees awarded. In , 1, men were awarded degrees from institutions in Waterbury, CT, which is 0. This chart displays the gender disparity between the top 5 institutions in Waterbury, CT by degrees awarded. In the majority of degrees awarded at institutions in Waterbury, CT were to White students.
These 1, degrees mean that there were 2. The homeownership rate in Waterbury, CT is People in Waterbury, CT have an average commute time of Car ownership in Waterbury, CT is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household. Jaimy Blazynski, is The Date Doctor, a persona and business she created in When asked what qualifies her as a dating expert she quips, "lots of experience". Married, divorced, and a single mother for many years she met her second husband after 13 match. She admits to learning a great deal through that entire experience.
The most valuable lesson was that attitude is everything. Okay, maybe not everything but a bad attitude can make the most attractive people look ugly!
She began her labor of love for two reasons. The first is to help others learn from the mistakes she made and challenges she had when she was out in the dating world.
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