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If you have been involved with a person who is married or whom you suspect is married, or you have been sued for alienation of affection or criminal conversation, it is important that you seek legal advice immediately. If you do not live in North Carolina, please contact an attorney in your home state regarding whether or not your state has similar laws.

Attorney Amy H. Nuttall has rejoined the firm, after taking some time off to travel with her husband. We are very excited that she has resumed her enthusiastic representation of clients. Twitter Facebook LinkedIn.

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What constitutes alienation of affection The elements of the tort of alienation of affection in North Carolina are— The parties to the marriage were happily married and genuine love and affection existed between them. Such love and affection were alienated and destroyed. The wrongful and malicious acts of the person being sued brought about the loss and alienation of such love and affection. When to talk to a lawyer Alienation of affection cases If someone is having an intimate relationship with your spouse, from whom you are not separated, or if your spouse was having an intimate relationship with another person prior to your separation, or if you suspect someone convinced your spouse to unjustly leave your marriage, it is important that you contact an experienced attorney for sound legal advice regarding your rights and your options.

Criminal Conversation Cases If you have been unfaithful or you suspect your spouse of infidelity, it is important to act quickly to protect your interests. Get in touch with our firm so we can discuss your unique needs and goals. Get In Touch.

Durham, North Carolina

Our entire staff is dedicated to hard-nosed, professional assertion of your constitutional rights, including Due Process of Law and Equal Protection Under the Law. That does not mean the "minor" consenting to sexual intercourse in North Carolina necessarily qualifies to vote, purchase alcohol, or register for the draft. The age of "majority" under the US Code federal laws and other NC state laws remain in full force and effect. The age of consent, relative to the legal ability to consent to sexual intercourse, varies nationwide. For example, in some states the Age of Consent is 15 years old.

What constitutes alienation of affection

There also may be legal defenses to sex offense charges when the sexual activities take place between minors. In those instances, the age difference between the defendant the person accused of criminal charges and the alleged victim are considered in determining whether an indictment is appropriate.

There are also other sexual acts, separate and apart from sexual intercourse vaginal intercourse that can subject you to substantial prison sentences. As you might imagine, careful thought must be given to the difference in ages between the defendant and victim. Even just one day can mean the difference between a lifetime designation of a sexual predator sex offender status and legal sexual activity.

Parents, legal guardians, family, and friends may report allegations of statutory rape in North Carolina to law enforcement.

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In certain circumstances, the sexual predator laws in North Carolina may require reporting sex offenses to the proper authorities. Pastors, clergy, teachers, doctors, nurses, DSS workers, and mental health professionals may be required to report possible instances of sexual misconduct.

Allegations of sex crimes and statutory rape charges in North Carolina carry long term consequences. Prosecutors, Judges, law enforcement, and defense attorneys in Raleigh all take such matters seriously. Marriage licenses are obtained from the Register of Deeds office of the county where the marriage is to take place people can get married anywhere in NC with a marriage license. Obtaining a marriage license by misrepresentation, or false pretenses, is a misdemeanor criminal offense.

What is the Age of Consent in NC?

Birth Certificates do not have a photo on them, therefore are not required my many offices. You will also need to show proof of your Social Security number. This can be done by submitting a W-2 form, payroll stub, or any official document with your Social Security number on it. Once a marriage license is obtained, you may be married immediately. No waiting period is required. You must marry within 60 days of the license being issued or the license expires.

A religious ceremony must be performed by an ordained minister.

NCAJ | Marriage Information | North Carolina Advocates for Justice

A civil ceremony is performed by a magistrate. There must be two witnesses at the marriage ceremony. Once you are married, whoever performed the marriage ceremony is required to provide you with a marriage certificate the officiant has no role in creating or providing a marriage certificate, that is solely the role of the Register of Deeds. You can also obtain a copy of your marriage certificate at any time by contacting NC Vital Records at www. The minister or magistrate performing the ceremony must sign the marriage license you obtained prior to the ceremony and return it to the Register of Deeds office within 10 days of the ceremony.

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A premarital agreement becomes effective upon marriage. These agreements can set the terms of possession of assets, treatment of future debt and earnings, control of the property for each party, and the possible division of property if the marriage were to be dissolved at a later date. These agreements are more common if either or both parties have substantial assets, children from a prior marriage, potential inheritances, high incomes, or have previously been through a divorce.

These agreements can be very complex and both sides should have independent legal counsel to advise them in the drafting and review of the prenuptial agreement prior to it being signed. The spouses-to-be should not use the same attorney. Estate Planning, Wills, Inheritance: You and your potential spouse should have wills that reflect your wishes and needs.

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Discuss these wishes and needs with your potential spouse. Then, prior to marriage, consult with a qualified attorney in order to put in place the proper legal documents to effectuate your wishes and needs should you die. If you have children from a prior marriage, and want them to inherit specific bequests from your estate, then you should give serious consideration to having a will. If children are born during the marriage, or adopted, they will also be entitled to share in the estate of their parents.

Once drafted, your will should be reviewed periodically to meet changing needs and circumstances.