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Female cadets enrolled at West Point

As they reach a bend in the trail, an enemy hidden deep within the forest opens fire. One soldier falls on the road. Codraro directs her squad to take cover and move into the woods.

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The soldiers perform a flanking maneuver to isolate where they believe the enemy is hiding, but soon realize they are being fired on from two locations. Another solider is killed before the Army squad can put down the enemy fighters. This scenario was not real. Fordham is the headquarters for the ROTC at roughly 50 nearby colleges and universities. Outdoor training complements the mandatory military science and leadership classes that add an extra level of responsibility to college life for cadets.

Cadets check their marksmanship on the firing range at Camp Smith. Now in its second year, freshman orientation gives cadets the chance to learn many of the basic military skills before they arrive on campus. The group of roughly 45 cadets learned how to enter and clear a room; provide cover fire through exercises with paintball guns; secure an area after it has been occupied; and hone their aim in a high-tech computer-simulated firing range at West Point, among other experiences. John B. McBride added that freshman orientation is meant to provide the new students with necessary skills, but not make them regret their decision to join ROTC.

That did not prevent some of the battle-trained instructors from speaking frankly to the cadets, especially when they lost focus during a drill.

ROTC Cadets Take Learning Out of the Classroom

An ROTC cadet runs to a secure position while another cadet lays down cover fire. This decision has been made based on concerns regarding the health and safety of our athletes, our ability to safely host visiting teams and spectators, and challenges regarding travel to other campuses and other states. Our plan is for student-athletes to return to campus in September with the rest of the student body. Upon their return to campus, student-athletes will start to workout with their coaches in small groups.

We will follow the New York State Guidelines and gradually progress to a goal of team practices and meaningful competition opportunities, if the conditions relative to the virus allow.

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This approach gives our department the opportunity to adjust accordingly based on how the COVID virus is behaving. Please refer to the full release from the NCAA for more information on the blanket waiver. As Maritime College and the athletic department receive further information from New York State and the NCAA we will continue to posts updates on the website and our social media pages.

Plans and protocols to Monitor for any potential virus activity on Campus. Plans and protocols for Containment should there be any positive or suspected positive cases of the virus on Campus. Plans for returning to Remote Operation and Remote Instruction should conditions warrant.

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Hollywood legend George Shapiro returns to his old Bronx neighborhood to see why the borough is so special to him. We also visit In the early hours of February 4, , a year-old Guinean immigrant named Amadou Diallo Date, February 4, () According to his family's lawyer he sought to remain in the United States by filing a political asylum On March 25, , a Bronx grand jury indicted the four officers on charges of.

This decision is based on several factors, including:. Permission not being received from federal and state agencies in time for us to recruit crew and staff for SST and for students to make timely decisions regarding registration for SST. Uncertainty about the resurgence of COVID cases, and the difficulty in practicing social distancing in the berthing areas and mess deck.

In addition, this opportunity will enable cadets to complete all pending STCW assessments from the Spring Semester, and receive final grades in those courses, prior to the start of the Fall Semester. It will also highlight the benefits for Cadets who elect to take advantage of this opportunity and the consequences for those who do not, as well as registration, cost, and other administrative details. We are providing this opportunity to help the Cadets in our license program complete their degree and license requirements as expeditiously as possible.

Sea Time License sunymaritime. Cadet Commercial Shipping cadetship sunymaritime. Registration for SST registrar sunymaritime. We are actively working on plans to help the students in our license programs complete their required assessments and sea time, while maintaining the necessary health and safety protocols. We are now focusing our efforts on planning a day SST before the fall semester. If this is not feasible, we are considering an alternative plan to maximize opportunities for Cadets to take full advantage of the inport maintenance and watchstanding days allowed by the U.

Coast Guard to reduce the number of sea days needed for SST I will keep you apprised as we finalize the details of these plans. I have spent the last several weeks sharing and clarifying our planning efforts and the three options for the Summer Sea Term SST. Almost 11, people viewed the two Facebook Live Streams.

When will classes start? Will there be on-campus classes, and if so, what preparatory measures are being taken to ensure social distancing? Here is what we know to date:.

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Summer Winter Split Sea Term. The audio presentation is available on the Maritime College Facebook page. Will there be a Sea Term and if so, when? In truth, there is no simple or perfect solution, but I want to assure you that we have worked diligently to develop the most reasonable option that safely allows students to get the sea time they need to graduate. We have developed a plan based on three options that allows us the flexibility to plan and implement a sea term. We will provide more specific information regarding our Sea Term plan and these three options on Monday, May 4.

Our goal in developing this plan is to present the best pathway to degree completion. I hope you will tune in to learn more. As we continue to navigate the unprecedented impact of COVID, Maritime College remains committed to the physical and financial health of all students. In continuing to work through federal and state mandates, we have developed a formula for pro-rated monetary remittances based on a calculation for the period between March 19, to the end of the Spring semester.

The remittance will come in the form of a refund for the Spring semester or a credit adjustment to the Fall semester cost. Remittances will be specific to each student and we anticipate all adjustments to be applied to all eligible accounts within 3—5 weeks. All continuing students will receive a refund check for the Spring semester. Refund checks will be printed and mailed to students once all adjustments have been made.

Continuing students may choose to have the refund applied as a credit to their Fall charges. If they elect this option, they must notify the Student Accounts Office studentaccounts sunymaritime. Below are the affected groups of students and the charges that will be updated on their accounts:. Residential students who lived on campus prior to the COVID health crisis, will receive a refund or credit for room and board. Commuters who utilized a meal plan prior to the COVID health crisis, will receive a refund or credit for the unused portion of their meal plan.

All students will receive a pro-rated refund or credit for both the Student Athletic Fee and Student Activity Fee the Student Association reserves the right to make the determination for this fee. To be eligible for a pro-rated refund on billed charges, students must have:. Paid their bill in full students with partially paid bills will have their room and board charges reduced in-line with the timing calculation. Email financialaid sunymaritime.

We hope you are staying safe and making every effort to complete your coursework remotely. While the past few weeks have been challenging for all of us and an abrupt adjustment to distance learning became necessary, we encourage you to remain focused as we reach the final weeks of the Spring Semester. Within the months of April, May and June, several dates and deadlines have been scheduled for Fall Semester housing and registration, as well as final exams, Degree Conferral and Summer Ashore Terms. Below is a schedule of these important activities by date:. All Summer Ashore courses will be offered via distance learning format.

All students are encouraged to register for Summer Ashore courses in order to mitigate any current or future impacts of the COVID crisis on their academic standing. We continue to assess which courses need to be taught this summer to facilitate students' progress towards degree completion. Regardless, students will be able to complete Summer Ashore I prior to any sea term that may be scheduled this summer.

Dear Class of May ,.

I hope that your transition to distance learning, this your last semester at Maritime, has been a success, and that you and your families are staying safe and healthy. Many of your courses are on their way to being completed by the end of Final Exam Week. However, even with the accommodations that the USCG has given us for our license courses and the innovative ways your instructors have been delivering labs, field work and design courses, there are still a number of courses that will require some form of in-person assessments — something that we cannot offer on-Campus in the remaining weeks of this semester.

Hopefully, this will give us two to three weeks after Finals to try and bring small groups of May graduates safely to Campus to complete their in-person assessments. Students not graduating in May , will have an opportunity to complete their assessments over the summer, during pre-Cruise or at the start of the Fall semester. Based on some questions we have received, there appears to be some confusion regarding your degree conferral date versus commencement. We know some of you are facing challenges to complete all requirements for your license, including completing STCW assessments for some license courses and inability to take USCG license exams while the Regional Exam Centers remained closed.

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Please note that if you have completed all of your degree requirements and are starting a shore-side job after May 1 st , but before May 22 nd , we will be happy to provide your employer with a proof-of-degree-completion letter. I wish you a successful completion of your academic careers here at Maritime College, and although there will not be a commencement ceremony this May, we hope to recognize your accomplishment at a commencement ceremony for you and your families in the months ahead.

Joseph C. As the nation responds to the COVID pandemic, we are constantly evaluating our options for providing the best hands-on education that meets and exceeds federal and international training standards and days-at-sea experience. We had initially announced that the Summer Sea Term would not depart as scheduled on May 4 th , and that we were evaluating two possible scenarios.

First, adjusting the Fall Semester academic schedule to allow delaying the start of a day Summer Sea Term to May 25 th. The second scenario would be conducting a day Sea Term during the Fall Semester. We are pleased to announce that the U. I hope this message finds you and your families well. These are undoubtedly trying times with much uncertainty, but I thought I would take a moment to update you regarding the measures we have taken at Maritime College in the wake of the Coronavirus COVID pandemic. This includes online synchronous and asynchronous classes, video teleconference, email, conference calls, or any combination of these modalities.

All of our students were able to return home safely or make arrangements to live off campus, and on Monday, March 23 rd , we resumed classes through distance learning. There are some courses such as labs and STCW courses that will need to be completed on campus once it is safe and restrictions for face-to-face instruction are lifted. We are working to ensure our students have access to the essential academic services they would normally have on campus to include academic advisement, IT support, tutoring, counseling, and athletic support.