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Woodstock Apothecary and More Members. About 31 percent With a growing downtown, lots of outdoor activities and big industry out at Kennedy Space Center, the town has a lot to offer. Cheaper housing, easy access to Orlando and new growth and development in the city are also likely contributing factors. Viera just about tied with Titusville for the third spot on this list, but won with just a fraction of a percent.

About 31 percent of the population is single. This couples with shopping and entertainment offered in the popular outdoor complex.

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With industry, shopping, a busy downtown and easy access to beachside communities, Melbourne easily steals the young and single spotlight from other cities. Perhaps a shocker to some, the Cocoa and Rockledge area ranked No. But why did we clump two cities together? Well, the weird thing about our findings was the highest concentration of singles in the county was this weird area of unincorporated Brevard between Cocoa and Rockledge. About 45 percent of the population in Cocoa and Rockledge is single and has never been married.

5. West Melbourne

Many singles I interviewed, even those who do not live there, indicated they frequent the bars, restaurants and events in Cocoa Village. PAFB was only. Port St. John ranked No.