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Playgrounds and outdoor fitness stations are open to the public, without a capacity limit.

Picnic Pavilions are open to the public, however, reservations are required. Reservations are limited to 50 persons or fewer where capacity allows. Lucie Botanical Gardens is open to the public seven days a week, free of charge, for personal relaxation and enjoyment. The Pavilion, office and gift shop will re-open on Fridays and Saturdays, from 10 a.

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Their batting cages will more than suffice! We have all the necessities and amenities Retrieved August 5, Paperwork will be brought outside for pick-ups during the following times: 9 a. Staying at the Hilton Garden Inn at PGA Village allows access to all of this and more, although it's not a necessity to book a tee time. Hours of Operation. Rent a kayak to explore the wildlife up close, walk along the trail, or merely sit back and watch the boats and animals travel along the water.

Reservations at both fitness centers are required. Fitness classes resumed June 15, and will also remain on a reservation basis with class capacities determined based on room size and type of class. Rock Steady Boxing Program classes resume beginning Monday, November 2, , with reduced capacity level and modifications to class routines in place to protect the health of the Fighters and their care givers as well as coaching staff and volunteers.

Fields are available for use and reservations are recommended. Reservations are available only to parties of 50 or fewer. Visit www.

16 Top-Rated Things to Do in Port St. Lucie, FL

Since offering direct financial assistance to St. The deadline to apply for funding is Friday, Oct. The grants program launched at the beginning of August to provide economic relief to small businesses hardest hit in St. Phase two of the program will launch on Sept. In an effort to increase testing availability for the community, the City of Fort Pierce, in partnership with Allied Health and St.

The St. With the goal of providing some economic relief and a rapid infusion of capital to smaller businesses that were hardest hit in St. During its regular meeting Tuesday, St. Lucie County Commissioners voted, 4 to 1, to approve an ordinance regarding the mandatory requirement for facial coverings in public to help slow the spread of COVID The Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County WIC program continues to welcome families. To help expedite that process, St. Lucie County will be temporarily postponing the online application process for a week, starting Friday, July 17 at 5 p.

Lucie County Commissioners approved in a 4 to 1 vote an emergency ordinance requiring the mandatory wearing of face coverings for employees working for businesses open to the public in places where social distancing is difficult to do. Lucie Mets season. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Oravec Vice Mayor Shannon M. Apply for Jump to subpage Visit RecoverStLucie. Deadline to for St. Lucie Per St. Receive a free window sign The City of Port St. Order your free window signs! Frequently Asked Questions. Lucie Frequently Asked Questions St. General Tips If you are sick, feeling shortness of breath or serious complications or emergency health needs Dial Do not use hospitals for non-critical services.

Call your Medical Provider before visiting their office if you think you may have Coronavirus or a similar medical issue. Practice all CDC guidelines to limit Coronavirus transmission. Lucie Blvd. Lucie, FL S. Saint Lucie West Blvd. Lucie, FL The sites are supported by Walmart, Quest Diagnostics and state and local officials and will test adults who meet CDC and state and local guidelines on who should be tested, including first responders, health care providers and others with symptoms of COVID Use the code: Care Call Baptist Health Customer Support for more information: Free Online Recovery Meetings: drkjfoster.

The following factsheets are provided by the Florida Department of Health. Hotline Phone Numbers.


Local City of Port St. Disaster Distress helpline: Text TalkWithUs to to connect with a trained crisis counselor. Community Resources.

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The accessible website also includes the option to video chat with customer service agents in American Sign Language. In addition, there are two dedicated phone numbers for English and for Spanish. FPL Assistance www. Food Assistance. Lucie County is now available Monday through Friday to help our Senior Community get the groceries they need without ever leaving their homes during the Health Crisis.

Call and let us know you are interested in the shopping assistance program. We will transfer you to a staff member that will provide you with information on this program such as placing the order yourself on-line at your local supermarket and paying for your purchase. Lucie, Indian River and Martin counties.

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Lucie County Tourism Office. Food Assistance Resources St. Lucie Public Schools Summer Meals have been extended to August 13 at the following sites, meals will be served every Tuesday and Thursday between 11 a. Pierce, Fl Frances K. Lennard Road, Port St. Lucie, Fl Treasure Coast Food Bank Packaging of emergency food boxes is underway and daily meal delivery to organizations continues. Fort Pierce Food Pantry S. Lucie Food Pantry S. Hwy 1, Port St. Lucie, Fl. City Services. We are here for you!

Lucie, FL Drop-off Box: The Utility Systems Department has installed an orange flag on its drop-off box for utility payments and other drop-offs to make it easier for customers to find. A second utility dropbox has been installed in the City hall complex; it is located on the east side of Building A by the sidewalk in front of the handicap parking. Customers for other City departments also can use the utility dropbox. Any correspondence for other departments should be clearly marked for that department.

The boxes are picked up about every two hours throughout the day. Protect your Sewer System: Utility Systems is currently experiencing an increase of wipes and other non-flushable items entering the sewer system. We understand that there is a toilet paper shortage at this time, and that our residents must rely on other resources.

However, we ask that wipes be thrown away and not flushed. Septic tanks, grinder or STEP systems, and gravity systems are all susceptible to clogs and backups because of wipes. Utility Engineering: All permitting and plan review functions will continue electronically. If you have been working with a particular staff member previously, please continue to do so by their phone or e-mail, unless directed otherwise.

For any questions that cannot be addressed using the steps noted above, please call or Utility Field Staff: Port St. Temporary Signs: The City would like to remind all commercial property owners that during this time, they may utilize the ordinance on temporary signage to further promote their business. The goal of this and other initiatives will be to assist our stakeholders retain their respective workforce and promote continuous construction activity throughout the city.

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Building inspectors begin their workday at 7 a. Fingerprinting Service: The City has resumed fingerprinting services to the public by appointment only. Kids Day Out Camps Looking for a fun, safe experience for your child while school is out? Palm City, FL 16h. Martin County authorities briefed the press about a fatal standoff in Palm City on Oct. Lucie, FL stuartfloridarealestatenews. Sewalls Landing October Market Report. For October , there are no homes for sale in Sewalls Landing,. There is 1 home currently under contract in Sewalls Landing.

This home was on the market for 15 days before going under contract. In the Fort Pierce, FL 17h. Fort Pierce commissioners approve rezone request, site plan for new apartment complex on Okeechobee Road. A proposed new unit apartment complex will be located at Okeechobee Rd.

Lucie County since the pandemic first hit is in the books. On Thursday, a group of 7 jurors, which in the past would be sitting side by side, were spaced out this time. Some of them were in the juror box, others were sitting at tables nearby to maintain social distancing. Fort Pierce, FL 18h. Martin County sophomore breaks down language barriers to help classmates. Happy ending: dog beaten on video finds loving home. Come here, Addi-o!