Online dating photographers in New Bedford USA

Timeline of New Bedford, Massachusetts

Some may remember that New Bedford is the meeting place of Ishmael and…. Find out why New Bedford, Mass. An online library of photographs, manuscripts, audio recordings, and other materials of historical interest from libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies across Massachusetts. Historic Image from a postcard.

The view is of a group of men and havesting equipment of the day gathering hay at the city's poor farm in the south end at Clark's Point. The Alms house was nearby. The 5, sq. Flag as inappropriate.

Top 10 Private Investigators near New Bedford, MA

Mark as helpful or interesting. Send your own user report! Sandwich MA I laughed and yelled to my spouse to stop jumping up and down in the hall and to come in if she needed to use the bathroom. She was asleep in the bedroom.

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Like convertibles and rock and online My favorite pastime is dancing and I like cuddling, kissing, walks on the beach, campfires, movies, photography, Many sites Eharmony Dating:: Barnstable Dating:: New Bedford Dating:: New Bedford. Someone You can Love is Nearby. Browse Profiles & Photos of Single Women in New Bedford, MA! Join, the leader in online dating with more dates.

I am a former army helicopter pilot and I was thinking between a 16 wheeler truck barrelling down our street or a Coast Guard J Hawk helicopter but there were no rotor blade sounds to match the vibration. I picked 11 users found this interesting. Everything got loud and rumbling, shaking heard all through the house.

We stayed still, startled. My mind raced- is it inside, outside, plane, bomb, quake? As soon as it stopped we ran outside and the neighbors were outside and alarmed too. No damage to our home, just really unnerving until we found out what happened. We live about a mile from the epicenter and walk to the beach in Demerest Lloyd State Park, facing wher 8 users found this interesting. Southborough, MA Not enough to make me get out of bed, but strong enough to get my attention.

Pomfret center ct Covell Rd Nothing fell off the walls. It was almost like the washing machine had an uneven load in it but it was the entire house doing that.

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They felt it upstairs in the apartment also. Called one of my neighbors about a mile and a half down the road he felt it also. I didn't acually know it was an earthquake I thought there was something wrong with our washing machine. New Bedford,MA Thought it was an explosion at the hospital 2 blocks away.

Neighbors all came out up and down the streets.

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Duration, maybe seconds. Son was asleep. Awakened from sleep. No damage. I'm in westend new bedford there was what sounded like a truck hit our house. New Bedford, near Rte 4.

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Like a big truck smashing into stone, but right beneath the house. Knew it was either an earthquake or the downstairs neighbors dropping a boulder in their living room :D The actual shaking attenuated very quickly, but there was audible rumble for a couple of seconds.

At first o thought it was a truck, or my kids running around, but it was too continuous and consistent. Lasted about 10 seconds. Then Stopped. Sharon, Ma Some accompanied by rumbling or roaring sounds, but the noise from this one was different. Heard what sounded like a large explosion, followed by another not quite as intense and then whole house shook. I actually wondered if a boat exploded in the harbor, but there were no sirens, just very quiet after.

Called my son to see if he heard and felt it or if I had been dreaming. It all happened very quickly.

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Yeah, I lived in Japan during the magnitude 9. My 4th fl apt shook pretty good in Fall River. Lasted about 2 to 5 seconds. Very odd for this to occur in Mass can't remember the last time I've actually felt the affects of a quake here in Brockton. Brockton, MA We live near railroad tracks and at first I thought it was a train but there were no trains and it was a lot stronger than the normal shaking from the train 2 users found this interesting.

Canton, Massachusetts I live in an older home, so I checked for any issue with furnaces perhaps making the noise Taunton, Ma City Center Oneco, CT. Was inside my house and the entire hous Knew it had to be an earthquake because the entire house was shaking. Plymouth, Massachusetts West Plymouth I yelled to my husband and asked him if he felt that and did he think It was an earthquake.


Family portraits are a great way to mark the passage of time, create lifelong keepsakes and have gorgeous-looking photos for your annual holiday card. I am used to what high winds fell like, but the was 2xbox the sound and shaking. Then remember a most chaotic day of torrential rain with no studio to photograph at and we couldn't take outdoor pictures. I like to go for walks with or without dog. No credit card brisson. Like convertibles and rock and online My favorite pastime is dancing and spending time by the water.

He said absolutely This felt like some of the shaking, vibration like aftershocks that we experienced for weeks upon weeks after the initial large 7. My friend and sister that live in the same neighborhood immedia One user found this interesting. Brewster Ma Felt it here in Marstons Mills.

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I thought the same thing - large truck Felt and heard the same in Bloomfield , CT! I had to look outside to see if a big truck was barreling down my driveway! Bristol, RI There was an extended rumble and shaking and my first thought was there was an explosion nearby or something collapsing.

Other Massachusetts Cities:

It was a strong vibration. The new madrid will fix your house! William street and acushnet ave new bedford, ma It only lasted a few seconds. I was outside in downtown new bedford around AM. Sunday, MMI 4 4 users found this interesting.

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Then received a call from my brother in New Bedford who also felt it, realized it must have been a small earth quake. That was my first reaction too lol my first thought as well. There was a loud boom, then seconds of rattling and vibrating. All of our neighbors felt it and sirens can be heard in the distance responding to house calls. Monument Beach, Bourne, MA 6. Marlborough Ma. Mystic, CT The house shook but nothing fell from any shelves.

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Felt shaking and heard sounds like a train going by. Very scary! I was in my basement office. I ran outside to look for jet contrails, saw nothing.

The boom was really loud. Two booms maybe a second or two apart. It was also very loud. Seemed like it went on for a long time, so it was hard to gauge the duration. Dudley, ma Water next to him spilled over. Felt like the whole house shook 2 users found this interesting. The house was shaking around me and it was accompanied by a low rumble, almost as if a train was passing.

Warren RI Small vibrations felt as if a large truck was passing by. Newport Rhode Island There was an initial heavy rumble followed by a soft vibrational lull. It felt as if one of the large fieldstones had broken loose and fallen out of the foundation below me. On checking, nothing had moved.