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At the direction of the Richmond City Health Department RCHD , we encourage anyone who was present at these sites on the dates listed above to monitor their symptoms and reach out to their primary care provider if they have any concerns.

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Our number one priority remains the health and safety of our students, staff, and families. We will continue to work in close collaboration with the Richmond City Health District to ensure the well-being of the entire RPS community. If you have any questions, as always, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Best, Jason.

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All complaints received will be treated with courtesy and respect, appropriately investigated and responded to in a timely manner. To-Go and Catering Bring the Fogo experience to you. TIS will coordinate a three-way telephone conversation, where you will be able to speak to a City Customer Service Officer through an interpreter. Business Wire. Yes: Premium content like additional search criteria and double appearances and what other members are. Follow us on Social Media Privacy Policy. Your question may be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who purchased this item, who are all part of the Amazon community.

Speaking of schedules, many thanks to those of you with eagle eyes who wrote me to point out that the 4th period of the 6-period middle school schedule was 10 minutes short. We've adjusted it.

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Also, please note that these new schedules will go into effect starting on Tuesday, October 20 October 19 is a teacher professional development day. I know many teachers and families would like to start sooner, but we want to make sure we have enough time to effectively communicate the changes to everyone in the division.

Thank you for your understanding. With great appreciation, Jason.

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All proceeds and donations benefit our schools, teachers and instructional assistants, and local racial justice, housing, and food support non-profits. ReopenWithLove - For the latest information on fall reopening plans and resources for families, visit the ReopenWithLove section of our website.

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We need volunteers to support meal distribution, technology distribution and school supply kit packing. You can also learn more about how to Donate to RPS. Thank you for your support! Wildfire in your area? AirNow and the U. Forest Service have launched a pilot project to show data from low-cost sensors on the Fire and Smoke Map. The goal of the project is to provide additional air quality information during wildfires — especially in areas with no AirNow monitors.

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See the map. Welcome to the updated AirNow website.

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