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In conclusion, this review of a decade of research on dating violence perpetration found that there have been numerous studies that have established temporal order between no fewer than 64 different exposures and subsequent dating violence perpetration. Now that we are amassing evidence about what may be contributing causes of dating violence perpetration, both researchers and practitioners will be able to refine their approaches. Importantly, entities that fund dating violence prevention programming will now be able to consider more easily whether proposed strategies address one or more of the factors for which there is at least some degree of evidence that a causal relationship may exist.

Author note: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Kevin J. Vagi, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Natasha E. Latzman, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Diane M. Hall, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Matthew J. Breiding, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read article at publisher's site DOI : Kidman R , Kohler HP. PLoS One , 15 3 :e, 06 Mar J Environ Public Health , , 09 Jan Front Psychiatry , , 11 Feb To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of each citation. J Youth Adolesc , 42 4 , 28 Nov Free to read. Pediatrics , 4 , 12 Mar J Youth Adolesc , 42 4 , 30 Jan Cited by: 11 articles PMID: Holmes K , Sher L.

Cited by: 13 articles PMID: Trauma Violence Abuse , 14 2 , 27 Dec Cited by: 63 articles PMID: Coronavirus: Find the latest articles and preprints. Europe PMC requires Javascript to function effectively. Recent Activity. Recent history Saved searches. Vagi KJ 1 ,. Rothman EF ,.

Latzman NE ,. Tharp AT ,. Hall DM ,. Breiding MJ. Affiliations 1 author 1. Share this article Share with email Share with twitter Share with linkedin Share with facebook. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other entities have made funding available to community based agencies for dating violence prevention. We reviewed articles published between and that reported on adolescent dating violence perpetration using samples from the United States or Canada.

Free full text. J Youth Adolesc. Author manuscript; available in PMC Apr 1. PMID: Vagi , Ph. Latzman , Ph. Hall , Ph. Breiding , Ph. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Vagi, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;. Correspondence to: Kevin J. Vagi, Ph. Phone: Copyright notice. The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at J Youth Adolesc. See other articles in PMC that cite the published article.

Go to:. Open in a separate window. Abbey A, McAuslan P. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Attitudinal, experimental, and situational predictors of sexual assault perpetration. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Long-term impact of adolescent dating violence on the behavioral and tsychological health of male and female youth. J Pediatr. Adolescent and family predictors of physical aggression, communication, and satisfaction in young adult couples: A prospective analysis. Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology.

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Contextual factors and health risk behaviors associated with date fighting among high school students. Women Health. Premarital sexual aggressors: A multivariate analysis of social, relational, and individual variables. Journal of Marriage and the Family.

Abusive males and abused females in adolescent relationships: Risk factor similarity and dissimilarity and the role of relationship seriousness. Journal of Family Violence. The ecology of adolescent dating aggression: Attitudes, relationships, media use, and socio-demographic risk factors.

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma. Identifying links between sexual violence and youth violence perpetration: New opportunities for sexual violence prevention.

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Psychology of Violence. Dating aggression, sexual coercion, and aggression-supporting attitudes among college men as a function of participating in aggressive high school sports. Violence Against Women. Gender differences in the longitudinal predictors of adolescent dating violence. Preventive Medicine. Examination of sex and race differences in longitudinal predictors of the initiation of adolescent dating violence perpetration. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. Romance and sex in adolescence and emerging adulthood: Risks and opportunities.

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The Penn State University family issues symposia series. Predictors of perpetration of verbal, physical, and sexual violence: A prospective analysis of college men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. The prevention of mental disorders in school-aged children: Current state of the field.

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Prevention and Treatment. The academic achievement of African American students during early adolescence: An examination of multiple risk, promotive, and protective factors. American Journal of Community Psychology. Issues of adolescent psychological development in the 21st century. Pediatr Rev. Youth violence trajectories and proximal characteristics of intimate partner violence. Violence and Victims. Correspondence between self-report measures of interpersonal aggression. Educ Psychol Rev. Neighborhood predictors of dating violence victimization and perpetration in young adulthood: A multilevel study.

American Journal of Public Health. The Washington Post. Psychological Medicine. History of family dysfunction and perpetration of dating violence by adolescent boys: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health. The judgment is affirmed in part, reversed in part, and the case is remanded. After a five-day hearing, the three-judge court concluded that he violated Rules 5.

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The charges under Rules 5. The Rule 8. After an Alford plea, he was convicted of the crime of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and was sentenced to 12 months in jail with six months suspended. Assuming that a three-judge court must make factual findings in a memorandum opinion, the findings made in this instance satisfy that requirement. There was clear and convincing evidence that the attorney violated Rules 5.

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His extensive disciplinary record fully justifies the sanction of revocation of his license to practice law. The decision of the three-judge panel is affirmed. His argument that he would not be ready for trial on the date originally scheduled, and that he did not want the continuance counted against him for speedy trial purposes, was not an affirmative objection.

Such hearings must occur on an expedited basis and a respondent will subsequently be re-evaluated, upon request, within six months of his recommitment or sooner depending on the scheduling of the annual review. In this specific context, given the temporary, expedited nature of the hearing and the other protections afforded to the respondents, including the right to counsel, the Due Process Clause does not require the State to appoint an expert.

The rulings of the circuit courts in these two proceedings are affirmed. Ensuring that defamation suits proceed only upon statements which actually may defame a plaintiff, rather than those which merely may inflame a jury to an award of damages, is an essential gatekeeping function of the court. Here, although the circuit judge correctly recognized that the allegedly defamatory statement was non-actionable opinion, the judge consciously disregarded the law and permitted the jury to return a verdict and award damages on a statement that he knew was not actionable as defamation as a matter of law.

This displays a profound misapprehension of the proper role and responsibilities of a judge.