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These apparatus marked a major global advance in the ability to measure and understand the strength, rheology and behaviour of earth materials at pressures and temperatures equivalent to depths of 20km in the crust.

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Even today, 50 years on, these gas medium apparatus remain relevant, achieving unsurpassed mechanical accuracy at high pressure-temperature conditions. Many of us have seen Professor Mervyn Paterson, now aged 92, at tea and around the School — but who was he and what did he do that was so significant? Mervyn spent his career working as geophysicist and instrument developer, specializing in rock deformation.

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In he completed his undergraduate studies in metallurgy at the University of Adelaide. In Mervyn returned to Australia to work at the newly-named CSIRO, but was soon approached by Professor John Jaeger and appointed to pursue research in the field of experimental rock deformation within the Department of Geophysics at the Australian National University. Commencing in , Mervyn remained as a researcher at the subsequently formed Research School of Earth Sciences until his retirement in During this time he developed the instruments that we have today in the High Pressure Rock Physics Lab and undertook seminal research into the strength and behavior of many crustal materials including work on quartz, calcite and olivine.

The Rock Physics lab at RSES is in the fortunate position of being the envy of many experimental rock physicists, with an unprecedented three 3 high temperature, high pressure gas apparatus. These include two deformation apparatus and the attenuation apparatus, which is used to measure seismic properties of rocks at crustal to mantle conditions.

When thinking about national infrastructure and capacity, it is worth highlighting that we are the only rock physics lab with ability to explore high pressure, high temperature, fluid saturated conditions in the Southern Hemisphere.

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But what makes these machines so special? Central to the operation of these machines is the pressure vessel — a big cylinder of steel that can be pressurized. We use argon gas as the medium that we pressurize to between to atmospheres MPa or, for our petrologist friends, kbar. During deformation, the applied forces are measured inside the pressure vessel, giving unrivaled accuracy of the mechanical data. In particular, internal measurement removes effects such as the frictional contribution of the high pressure seals. As a number of other researchers have discovered to their dismay when trying to build an equivalent, the devil is in the detail!

Rig 1 is technically not the first pressure vessel of its kind at ANU, but rather it is the oldest surviving one. In the early days of rock deformation, people did not fully understand the effects of corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement and pressure cycling on strength of the apparatus. It was also during the heady days of pumping gas to 1 GPa 10 kbar and on one fine morning in the first pressure vessel on Rig 1 exploded….

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Thankfully Mervyn had designed and built the lab planning for the worst. The machine was contained within a bunker with 30 cm thick concrete walls.

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No one was injured and there was surprisingly little damage except to the pressure vessel. The shards of the vessel can still be found in the lab and serve as a reminder to all users of what can happen. Stacy Hansen, 58, of Denver, who is divorced, met her boyfriend on Tinder, an app once considered strictly for young singles.

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