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Teens who have a larger number of friends may be less likely to suffer from depression later in life, especially women, a new MSU research study has found. To recognize the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion as a foundation for university, MSU is using a comprehensive DEI planning process focusing on those values and working in collaboration with the overall strategic planning process. MSU and partners across the state are working even harder to share free resources to support individuals, families, communities and businesses adapt during the COVID health crisis.

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Whitmer Monday, is intended to protect migrant agricultural workers living in congregate housing. Beds must be at least six feet apart, and there must be isolation housing in case a worker becomes infected with COVID A full list of safeguards can be found here. Starting June 15, some retailers are required to open their bottle deposit returns. There will be limited hours, and the number of available machines open will vary. Some will be closed for cleaning or to implement social distancing.

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The notice issued by the Michigan Department of Treasury can be read here. The Associated press reports Whitmer said Monday that restaurants can reopen to dine-in customers next week and she has eased limits on gatherings. Some businesses where close contact is necessary, including gyms, hair salons, indoor theaters and casinos, will remain closed for now.

Day camps for children and pools can open June 8. Groups of up to people can gather outside as long as they practice social distancing. Gyms and fitness centers can offer outdoor activities such as classes, practices, training sessions and games as long as participants, coaches and spectators stay 6 feet apart. The deadline to file for Michigan residents to pay back taxes and avoid foreclosure has been extended to June 29, The deadline was previously extended from March 31 to May 29, Those who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program will be able to purchase food online from Amazon and Walmart.

This expansion is for families receiving food assistance benefits that need to stay at home during the COVID pandemic. Whitmer also announced Thursday that families with low to moderate incomes will be able to receive free quarantine care kits. There are two different kits: one with food and the other with hygiene and cleaning products.

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Now, people have tested positive. Check the box below to get your in-office savings. During this period the department said it will work with vendors that provide communication services to determine enhanced services that may be offered. Patients must call drive-thru testing sites in advance. The closure of the Manistee County recreation area is effective immediately until further notice. After noon, flags can remain at full-staff.

More information, including information regarding shipping and exclusions, can be found here. Michigan State University says it will welcome students back to campus for the Fall semester. Stanley says classes will begin September 2nd as previously scheduled.

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Part of the planning for the reintroduction of students will include how to manage residence halls, and scheduling class spaces. The school will incorporate both in-person and remote learning components to classes. Students will then transfer over to remote learning following the Thanksgiving holiday. Last week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer extended her stay-at-home order to June 12th. Stanley says MSU employees should not expect a mass return to work once the order lifts.

More medical personnel can also order a test for a person to take, according to Executive Order signed by Gov. Whitmer Tuesday. Those who wish to be tested can call or visit this website to find a testing location near them. The COVID impact on Michigan, including the risk phase, epidemic spread and public health capacity, is now available through a new online dashboard. It visually illustrates risks and trends in Michigan through interactive graphics. The statistics shown are from publicly reported numbers including positive cases, number of tests and number of deaths.

The state of emergency declaration has also been extended until June Whitmer announced the extensions Friday. Executive Order extending the state of emergency can be read here.

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Executive Order extending the at home order can be read here. On Memorial Day, Governor Whitmer directs that flags should be briefly brought to full-staff before being lowered to honor fallen service members. The state encourages local governments, schools, businesses and Michigan residents to fly their flags at half-staff until noon on May 25, After noon, flags can remain at full-staff.

According to MDOC, final results should be available next week. The full release can be read here. Retail businesses and auto dealerships will reopen by appointment statewide on Tuesday May Effective immediately the order also authorizes small gatherings of 10 people or less as long as social distancing is practiced.

The requirement to delay nonessential medical dental and veterinary procedures will also be lifted on Friday, May 29 as part of the order.


As part of executive order , reopened outpatient health-care facilities will have to adopt strict protocols to prevent infection. The Department of Licensing and Regulatory affairs will issue guidance to those facilities. Under Executive Order , pharmacists will continue to have the following expanded abilities:. Two regions in northern Michigan will be allowed to partially reopen on Friday. Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order Monday, allowing for the reopening of retail businesses, office work that cannot be done remotely, and restaurants and bars with limited seating.

All businesses that choose to reopen must adhere to the safety measures outlined in Executive Order Additionally, businesses that resume in-person work must develop a COVID preparedness and response plan and make it available to employees and customers by June 1. Following Executive Order signed by Gov. Whitmer Friday, there are strict precautionary measures that labs must take.

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A full list of guidelines can be found here. This does not include diagnostic testing. Through June 10, telehealth options have been expanded. Telehealth is a virtual way for health care providers to check in with patients. Executive Order requires that insurance companies cover telehealth sessions including mental health care, drug treatment and home health services.

The temporary change for regulatory requirements for care facilities and hospitals has been extended until June 9. Executive Order waives requirements to bring additional care facilities online. The order, signed by Gov. Whitmer Tuesday, also gives the Licensing and Regulatory department flexibility regarding registration, licensing and workflow requirements so more care providers can aid the COVID pandemic.

That was proposed following a rally where many protestors of stay-home orders carried guns. Attorney General Dana Nessel says the commission can ban guns. The attorney for the commission says that would take a change in the state's open-carry gun law.

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The expiration date of some forms of I. Manufacturers are allowed to return to work starting May Whitmer also announced her six phase Michigan Safe Start Plan. The six phases of the COVID pandemic are: uncontrolled growth, persistent spread, flattening, improving, containing and post-pandemic. The governor said Michigan is currently in the third phase: flattening, meaning the health system can meet the needs of patients and the number of new cases are slowing. Unemployment eligibility has been expanded further. Benefits have been expedited so more people in Michigan can receive them sooner.

The action was filed Wednesday in the Michigan Court of Claims. GOP leaders say she's exceeded her authority and shut out the legislative branch. The time frame an individual has to decide what to do with a person who has died from COVID has shortened. An emergency order issued Monday stated that hospitals and funeral directors are allowed 24 hours to contact a person that has authority regarding funeral and body disposition decisions for a deceased person. If someone is reached within 24 hours, then that individual has 48 hours from the time the COVID victim has died to make funeral and body disposition arrangements.

Businesses that present a very low risk of infection can resume work starting May 7. Whitmer stated in Executive Order that some forms of work can reopen including real-estate activities, construction and other jobs primarily performed outdoors. Public accommodation places like theaters, bars and casinos will remain temporarily closed through May Whitmer extended her previous order Thursday by signing Executive Order Businesses are still able to offer food and beverage services through carry out and delivery methods, but they must continue taking precautions.

For pick up, five people are allowed inside a restaurant at once, but they must stay six feet apart. She signed Executive Order Thursday which requires the Great State Readiness Program to provide a plan on how to prepare and engage current preschoolers, so they are ready for kindergarten in the fall. GSRP teachers must also have virtual meetings with families.