Thomas Yonley Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Stu Berryhill John Baird Danny Chisom Blanks Raymond Chisom James D. Fitzgerald Vernon Dutton Guard at the Door William Farmer John A. Garrett Devon Faust Daniel Olderburg Nick Fitzpatrick Gibson Randall Freeman David W. Dodd Robert Hall Son Fishback Bob House Phineas Graves Mark Kalkbrenner John M. Was this review helpful to you?
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David Owen Dodd. William Fishback. Thomas Yonley. Guard at the Door. Starting this Wednesday, October 7th, all students Central is virtual this week, see schedule above will be released at the early release time pm-Elementary or pm- Secondary. If parents are unable to pick up their student s , student should ride the bus home at the early release time this week only ; if the student is attending CARE, the student will still be able to attend as scheduled.
This week, the District is working on activity bus routes for students who will stay at school after the early release time for future weeks. Starting, October 14th, the District will provide an activity bus for students who stay after the early release time and are not participating in the CARE Program. The entire day is still an instructional day; therefore, students are required to participate in learning via Schoology or with hard copy assignments even after the released time.
There will not be any required meetings for teachers during the early release time.
September 25, The students who have registered for the ACT that will be administered on October 24th will report to the J. FAIR campus. The address is David O Dodd Rd. Little Rock, AR Students do not need to do anything other than report to J. There will another ACT offered at J. Fair on December 12th.
Registration for this test is forthcoming. Please be at Central by AM on both testing dates. September 18, Virtual Tutoring will be provided covering English, Math, and Science. It will begin Monday, September 21st. September 10, September 11, Here are the remaining testing dates for the rest of the school year:. Please assist us in this effort by completing, signing and returning the agricultural survey. September 1, May Keep up with Tiger News from your mobile device.
John's Masonic College.
His father left the family to serve as sutler with the 3d Arkansas Cavalry Regiment. In David went to Louisiana and worked as a telegraph operator until crossing the river to join his father and assist him in his sutlery. In the fall of , after the Union Army occupied Little Rock, David returned to escort his mother and sisters to Mississippi but never left Arkansas. In December his father Andrew arrived and the entire Dodd family moved south to journey to Mississippi to be near Andrew.
As Union troops destroyed Southern fields, tobacco was becoming scarce. Andrew Dodd devised a plan to buy tobacco and store it for later sale at a higher price.
He looked to his business associates in Little Rock for the needed cash. Because Little Rock was in Union hands, he could not make the trip himself. On December 24, , he sent David Dodd—a minor and therefore assumed neutral—to Little Rock to deliver letters to former associates seeking investments for the tobacco deal. Confederate Gen. James F. Fagan or Confederate Col. William A. Crawford issued the boy a pass. Dodd rode a mule to Little Rock, carrying a birth certificate showing he was an underage 17 along with his pass.
Dodd stayed with his aunt, Mrs. Susan Dodd, in Little Rock.
Except for some Union soldiers, there were very few teenage boys in the city, and Dodd was popular with the city's younger girls. He even became popular with some of the younger servicemen at the arsenal, especially because he usually was accompanied by a local girl or two. In addition to his father's letters, he also delivered letters to several people he knew.
He also spent some time with year-old Mary Dodge at her home, where Union officers were quartered. Mary supported the Southern cause; her father, R. Dodge, was a Vermont native on friendly terms with the Northern troops. John's College several hundred yards southwest of the arsenal and had no trouble obtaining a pass through Union lines to rejoin his family in Camden. As he left Union territory, the guard tore up Dodd's pass since he would no longer need it now that he was in Confederate land. The next day Dodd traveled through the woods and found himself back behind Union lines.
For identification he showed his small leather notebook, where Union soldiers found his birth certificate and a page with dots and dashes.
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A Union officer was able to read some of the Morse code messages, which contained information about Union troop strength and locations in Little Rock; Dodd was arrested. The next day he was taken to Little Rock to face Brig. John Davidson , who was commanding the Union occupation forces in Gen. Frederick Steele 's absence.
A telegraph operator translated the Morse code, which provided precise locations and strengths of Union troops. David was formally charged as a spy and taken to the military prison on the site of the present Arkansas State Capitol building. On the third day, under personal orders from Gen.
Steele, Mary Dodge and her father were escorted under armed guard to a Union gunboat on the Arkansas River and transported to Vermont , where Mary was kept until the end of the war.
This suggests that Steele had discovered that Mary Dodge was involved, and that he would not be able to hang a year-old girl. On December 31, , Dodd's trial began in Little Rock before a military tribunal of six Union officers. John M. Thayer presided with Capt. Rice as Judge Advocate. Other members were Col. John A.