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Ultra-Orthodox Borough Park residents protest religious gathering restrictions

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Illicit Wedding In Borough Park Linked To Uptick In Coronavirus Infections

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Welcome back to school. Building genuinely affordable homes on the Springvale estate.

We want to ensure local people are the first to move in - so have your say. Publish date 6 October Categories Housing.

USPS Wants Borough Park Residents To Move Their Mailboxes

Publish date 22 September Categories Arts and parks, Environment. We all need to do everything we possibly can to help our local economy bounce back stronger than ever.

Information about the Outings at Bethpage Black. The Blue Course was one of the three courses designed by Tillinghast.

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In , it was redesigned by Alfred Tull to provide room for the Yellow Course. The front nine are considered very challenging, with an easier back nine to finish a round of golf.

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Some of the slopes are fairly steep. The Green Course is the first of the five courses at Bethpage. This is a gently-sloped course that features small greens. It is considered an excellent course for the novice and casual golfer, yet it can be challenging when played from the regulation tees.

The Black Course is a difficult and challenging course that should be played only by low-handicap golfers. The course is for walkers only and its slope rating is one of the highest in the northeast. This was one of the last courses designed by master golf course architect A. Tillinghast, and is said by many to be his finest work. The Black Course served as the site of the U. The narrow fairways, high roughs, well placed bunkers and small greens help to make this an extremely difficult course. The Black Course is closed Mondays for course maintenance except holidays.

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