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Carr Most of these records are in the English language but there are also records in these languages: German, French, Italian and Swedish For best results, you should first search using English words and location spellings. If you do not find what you are looking for, try using one of these languages: German, French, Italian and Swedish. Match all terms exactly.

Last Name. Use quotation marks around a set of keywords to search for that exact phrase. Clear search.

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Photo Portrait. PegChairel Other. Hilda and Phobe Other.

Locations in this Collection:. Toggle facets Browse by:. Brockton 85 Massachusetts 85 Plymouth county 85 United States Photographs Available to use. No known restrictions Date range begin — Date range end Current results range from to View distribution.

Brockton VA Medical Center

Galaxie at Paul Clark Ford - Old Facility, Brockton, MA, USA - photo Balloons (​Novelties) Notes: Title and date from information provided by Leslie Jones or the​. George W Howland marker (Headstone) Cemetary: Melrose Cemetery Date: 28 Jun Location: Brockton, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. From findagrave.

All information submitted with the additional forms need to cover the previous calendar year. The residential property request is for single, two and three families and condominiums.

Brockton, MA

Income and expense statements should be submitted with the apartments of 4 or more units, mixed use, commercial and industrial properties. If owner occupied, please submit expenses.

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The Boston Globe

Records Access Officer jodonnell cobma. Board of Assessors.

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Assessor's Office Our mission is to accurately assess property while providing knowledgeable information and service to the public. We determine the value of both real estate and personal property in Brockton for the purpose of taxation.

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Assessor's Database The information delivered through this newly formatted on-line database through our GIS Maps page is provided in the spirit of open access to government information and is intended as an enhanced service and convenience to citizens of Brockton, MA. Revaluation Project On Monday, March 16th, , the City of Brockton will start the street-level digital imagery part of the Revaluation Project. Exemptions As approved by state law, the Board of Assessors administers tax assistance programs for various eligible taxpayers. How Are Taxes Billed?

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Abatements The issuance of the third quarter bill actual triggers the time limit for the abatement process.