City dating app Newark USA

The oldest and largest of the Society's three shelters.

East Coast. Newark Liberty International Airport was the first municipal commercial airport in the United States, and today is one of its busiest. A number of important higher education institutions are also in the city, including the Newark campus of Rutgers University which includes law and medical schools and the Rutgers Institute of Jazz Studies ; the New Jersey Institute of Technology ; and Seton Hall University's law school.

The U. District Court for the District of New Jersey sits in the city as well. Newark is divided into five political wards East, West, South, North and Central and contains neighborhoods ranging in character from bustling urban districts to quiet suburban enclaves. It was conceived as a theocratic assembly of the faithful, though this did not last for long as new settlers came with different ideas.

Newark was granted a Royal charter on April 27, It was incorporated on February 21, by the New Jersey Legislature 's Township Act of , as one of New Jersey's initial group of townships. Newark was reincorporated as a city on April 11, , replacing Newark Township, based on the results of a referendum passed on March 18, The previously independent Vailsburg borough was annexed by Newark on January 1, In , South Orange Township changed its name to Maplewood.

The name of the city is thought to derive from Newark-on-Trent , England, because of the influence of the original pastor, Abraham Pierson , who came from Yorkshire but may have ministered in Newark, Nottinghamshire. Whatever the origins, the name was shortened to Newark, although references to the name "New Ark" are found in preserved letters written by historical figures such as David Ogden in his claim for compensation, and James McHenry , as late as During the American Revolutionary War , British troops made several raids into the town.

The city has experienced revitalization since the s. According to the United States Census Bureau , the city had a total area of Historically, Newark's high places have been its wealthier neighborhoods. In the 19th century and early 20th century, the wealthy congregated on the ridges of Forest Hill, High Street, and Weequahic.

Until the 20th century, the marshes on Newark Bay were difficult to develop, as the marshes were essentially wilderness, with a few dumps, warehouses, and cemeteries on their edges. Newark is surrounded by residential suburbs to the west on the slope of the Watchung Mountains , the Passaic River and Newark Bay to the east, dense urban areas to the south and southwest, and middle-class residential suburbs and industrial areas to the north.

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The city is the largest in New Jersey's Gateway Region , which is said to have received its name from Newark's nickname as the "Gateway City". Newark is New Jersey's largest and second-most racially diverse city after neighboring Jersey City. It is divided into five political wards , [54] which are often used by residents to identify their place of habitation.

In recent years, residents have begun to identify with specific neighborhood names instead of the larger ward appellations.

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Nevertheless, the wards remain relatively distinct. Industrial uses, coupled with the airport and seaport lands, are concentrated in the East and South wards, while residential neighborhoods exist primarily in the North, Central, and West Wards. Ward boundaries are redrawn, as needed, by a board of ward commissioners consisting of two Democrats and two Republicans appointed at the county level and the municipal clerk. The boundaries of the wards are altered for various political and demographic reasons and sometimes gerrymandered , especially the northeastern portion of the West Ward.

Of these neighborhood designations only University Heights, a more recent designation for the area that was the subject of the novel Howard Street by Nathan Heard , is still in common usage. The Central Ward extends at one point as far north as 2nd Avenue. In the 19th century, the Central Ward was inhabited by Germans and other white Catholic and Christian groups. The German inhabitants were later replaced by Jews , who were then replaced by Blacks and African Americans. The increased academic footprint in the University Heights neighborhood has produced gentrification , with landmark buildings undergoing renovation.

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The Central Ward forms the present-day heart of Newark, and includes 26 public schools, two police precincts, including headquarters, four firehouses, and one branch library. A row of residential towers with security guards and secure parking line Mt. Prospect Avenue in the Forest Hill neighborhood. The North Ward has lost geographic area in recent times; its southern boundary is now significantly further north than the traditional boundary near Interstate Lucy's Church ; demographics have transitioned to Latino in recent decades, though the ward as a whole remains ethnically diverse.

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It is home to the historic Fairmount Cemetery. The South Ward, once home to residents of predominantly Jewish descent, now has ethnic neighborhoods made up primarily of African Americans and Hispanics. The city's second-largest hospital, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center , can be found in the South Ward, as can 17 public schools, five daycare centers, three branch libraries, one police precinct, a mini precinct, and three fire houses. The East Ward consists of much of Newark's Downtown commercial district, as well as the Ironbound neighborhood, where much of Newark's industry was in the 19th century.

Today, due to the enterprise of its immigrant population, the Ironbound also known as "Down Neck" and "The Neck" [65] is a destination for shopping, dining, and nightlife. The ward is largely composed of densely packed but well maintained housing and streets, primarily large apartment buildings and rowhouses. The January daily mean is The average seasonal snowfall is The July daily mean is Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year with the summer months being the wettest and fall months being the driest.

The city receives precipitation ranging from 2.

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Newark had a U. Census Bureau estimated population of , in , [14] making it the 73rd-most populous municipality in the United States, [15] after being ranked 67th in and 63rd in Census marked the second census in 70 years in which the city's population had grown from the previous enumeration. White flight from Newark to the suburbs started in the s and accelerated in the s, due in part to the construction of the Interstate Highway System. At the estimates there were , housing units and , households. The average household size was 2. At the Census, there were 91, households, and 62, families in Newark.

There were , housing units at an average density of 4, The population density was 11, The city's unemployment rate was 8. Newark is the second-most racially diverse city in New Jersey after Jersey City. From the s to , Newark's non-Hispanic white population shrank from , to ,; its black population grew from 70, to , At the American Community Survey 's estimates, non-Hispanic whites made up 8. Black or African Americans were Hispanics or Latinos of any race made up In , The racial makeup of the city in was In advance of the United States Census , city officials made a push to get residents to respond and participate in the enumeration, citing calculations by city officials that as many as 30, people were not reflected in estimates from the U.

Census Bureau , which resulted in the loss of government aid and political representation. Many households refused to participate in the census, with immigrants often reluctant to submit census forms because they believed that the information could be used to justify their deportation.

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The largest religious community in Newark are Christians , owing in part to European colonialism and missionary work. The largest Christian group in Newark is the Catholic Church The city's Catholic population are divided into Latin and Eastern Catholics. Its episcopal see is the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Following, 2. Judaism and Islam were tied as the second largest religious community 3.

Up to , Jewish Americans formed a substantial portion of the middle class. As of , Orthodox , Conservative , and Reform Judaism were the most prevalent denominations affiliated with in Newark and suburban communities. Sunni , Shia , and Ahmadiyya Muslims are the largest Islamic denominational demographic, though some Muslims in the area may be Quranists. A little over 1. There are at least 10 Hindu temples in Newark's surrounding area. There is one Wiccan group in the city.

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Followers of afrodiasporic religions live in the city and surrounding area, primarily practicing Haitian Vodou or Santeria. More than , people commute to Newark each workday, [] making it the state's largest employment center with many white-collar jobs in insurance, finance, import-export, healthcare , and government. The city is also a college town , with nearly 50, students attending the city's universities and medical and law schools.

East Coast in terms of volume. Though Newark is not the industrial colossus of the past, the city does have a considerable amount of industry and light manufacturing. Grain comes into the facility by rail. In addition, transportation has become a large business in Newark, accounting for more than 17, jobs in After the election of Cory Booker as mayor, millions of dollars of public-private partnership investment were made in Downtown development, but persistent underemployment continue to characterize many of the city's neighborhoods. As of , roughly one-third of the city's population was impoverished.

Portions of Newark are part of an Urban Enterprise Zone. The city was selected in as one of the initial group of 10 zones chosen to participate in the program. The UEZ program in Newark and four other original UEZ cities had been allowed to lapse as of January 1, , after Governor Chris Christie , who called the program an "abject failure", vetoed a compromise bill that would have extended the status for two years.

On Newark Bay , it is run by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and serves as the principal container ship facility for goods entering and leaving the New York metropolitan area and the northeastern quadrant of North America. It is rumored to have as much stained glass as the Cathedral of Chartres. Newark also has four public works by Mt.

The New Jersey Performing Arts Center , near Military Park , opened in , is the home of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and the New Jersey State Opera , The center's programs of national and international music, dance, and theater make it the nation's sixth-largest performing arts center, attracting over , visitors each year. The Newark Boys Chorus , founded in , performs regularly in the city. The African Globe Theater Works presents a new works seasonally. The biennial Geraldine R.

Dodge Poetry Festival took place in Newark for the first time in Venues at the universities in the city are also used to present professional and semi-professional theater, dance, and music. The Rolling Stones broadcast their last show on their 50th anniversary tour live on pay-per-view from the arena on December 15, Bon Jovi performed a series of ten concerts to mark the venue's opening.

In the house music and garage house genres and scene, Newark is known as an innovator. Newark's Club Zanzibar , along with other gay and straight clubs in the s and 80s, was famous as both a gay and straight nightlife destination.

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Famed DJ Tony Humphries helped "spawn the sometimes raw but always soulful, gospel-infused subgenre" of house music known as the "Jersey sound. House music producer, DJ and writer Junior Sanchez started making house music in his teens growing up in the Ironbound district. Brick City club , a dance-oriented electronic music genre, is native to the city. Its art collection is ranked 12 among art museums in North America with highlights on American and Tibetan art. The museum co-sponsors the Newark Black Film Festival , which has premiered numerous films since its founding in The Newark Public Library has eight locations.

Since , Newark has been home to the Institute of Jazz Studies , the world's foremost jazz archives and research libraries. The museum is housed at Ahavas Sholom, the last continually operating synagogue in Newark. The Grammy Museum Experience is an interactive, experiential museum devoted to the history and winners of the Grammy Awards which opened at the Prudential Center on October 20, Since , the Newark Planning Office, in collaboration with local arts organizations, has sponsored Newark Murals , and seen the creation of dozens of outdoor murals about significant people, places, and events in the city.

The Portraits mural, a massive multi-artist painting the length of 25 football fields created in , is the longest continuous mural on the East Coast, and the second longest in the country. Lucy's Church , a historically Italian parish in what was Newark's Little Italy , features an annual October procession and festival for St. Gerard Majella.

Newark is within the metro New York media market. The newspaper sold its headquarters in July , with the offices of the publisher, the editorial board, columnists, and magazine relocating to the Gateway Center.

Pioneer radio station WOR was started by Bamberger Broadcasting Service in and broadcast from studios at its retailer's downtown department store.