Across the river and downtown, abandoned factories, boarded-up stores and empty lots plagued South Bend. Up the hill, it was just a walk to the Golden Dome, the halo at the center of campus. His parents sent him to a Montessori school, where learning is self-directed, hands-on and less structured than at a traditional grade school. But by 6th grade, his parents moved him to a more traditional private school.
And so, it took a nudge from them here and then just to stay on track. The smart new kid was sometimes a target. His unusual name drew snickers.
Buttigieg remembers a teacher explaining that a child picking on him was just trying to get attention. Something clicked, he says, and he decided the best way to deal with bullies was to get to know them. The lesson still works sometimes when he comes under criticism, he says. In his room, young Peter kept a collection of model planes and a poster of the inside of a cockpit. He aspired to become a pilot or even an astronaut, although his poor eyesight would make that impossible.
He became fascinated with the leader closely associated with the space program, JFK, and others in the Kennedy clan. Peter would memorize excerpts of Kennedy speeches. Buttigieg said the Kennedy mystique loomed large in a community as Catholic as South Bend. He was aware that the presidential campaign of Sen. Amid the culture wars of the Clinton era, he looked back nostalgically at a time when big things seemed possible. By the end of 8th grade, Peter was named valedictorian, which gave him a chance to deliver his own big speech.
His performance — practiced and strikingly mature — is still remembered today by people who were there.
Some ballots had an incorrect congressional race, while others had the correct information but were sent to voters in a different precinct. Read more. He pursued another path traveled by JFK: Harvard. South Bend is located on the north—south continental divide, and the river flows northwest into Lake Michigan. He said he is being tested regularly to assess whether he still has the virus. Max adults: 4.
The adults left the gym commenting about his poise. Soon after, the South Bend Tribune published a profile when Buttigieg won a statewide essay contest on the importance of the law. The article noted he had won numerous other awards and was set to perform in a statewide piano competition later in the year — he started playing at age 5 — and aspired to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Julie Chismar, a teacher at Saint Joe, recalls a buzz among French teachers, who had heard about his language abilities. Peter had begun to learn French in Montessori and before he got to high school was well on his way to fluency. He also took up Spanish and on his own started learning to read Korean from a friend, Judy Kim. His campaign does not list Korean as among the seven languages he speaks other than English. Classmates described him as thoughtful, with a dry wit. If a kid in middle school or high school can respect a fellow kid, they respected him.
He held back. Occasionally, there were signs of the reserve and stiffness that sometimes gets mocked today. When he first met Peter, Mueller, his close high school friend, would tease him good-naturedly — just like he did with his brothers. Peter, who had no siblings, did not appreciate it. The introvert pushed himself beyond his comfort zone. As they got older, his friends would play music together: He learned guitar and bass, and especially liked playing Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix songs, using his wah-wah pedal.
Peter moved between groups of friends, but hung out mostly with a group of other smart kids. He dated a couple of girls in high school. Friends said he never seemed to have the usual teen angst about relationships. Looking back, he says now he always felt different. Just because I was the son of a Mediterranean immigrant, an academic family, that some people thought was weird, because I had a name that was easy to make fun of and hard to pronounce.
Several people close to Buttigieg say they never knew he was gay until he came out in his 30s, after he returned from his military tour in Afghanistan. He said at a CNN town hall in October that he was well into his 20s before he acknowledged it to himself. Even his mother says she had no suspicions before he came out to her and his father in , not long before he made it public in an op-ed in the local newspaper.
Offered all kinds of opportunities. But no. He and his mom would joke together. He and his dad would obsess — and commiserate — over Notre Dame football. His father would come home from work, pour himself a drink and open The New York Times. Need more than 9 rooms? Select the child's age. Wyndham Rewards Points.
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South Bend is a city in, and the county seat of, St. Joseph County, Indiana, on the St. Joseph South Bend was the first community in the United States to have an electrified trolley system (even though it was a German - %, Irish - %, Polish - %, English - %, American - %, Italian - %, Hungarian - %,. Current local time in USA – Indiana – South Bend. Get South Bend's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore South Bend's Languages: English.
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