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Account of the Ferguson Library receiving an award for providing a ramp for the handicapped. Ransom, David F. Rathbun, Jonathan. Narrative of Jonathan Rathbun : with accurate accounts of the capture of Groton Fort; the massacre that followed, and the sacking and burning of New London, September 6, , by the British forces under the command of the traitor Benedict Arnold. By Rufus Avery and Stephen Hempstead, eye witnesses of the same. Sabin No. Parks No. Hartford, Connecticut , Washington, D. Syracuse, New York, , pp, We were ordered to fort Stanwich, in Stamford, Ct. Here I was subjected to the usual hardships of a military life.

Many a time have I been out for several days on scouting parties, sometimes to the distance of twenty-five miles. These were not only attended with fatigue, cold and hunger, but with no little peril of life. On one occasion, a rifle ball passed through my hat and cut away the hair of my head, but a kind Providence protected me.

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A party of fourteen men, under Lewis Smith were surprised by a body of mounted troops to the number of sixty, by whom they were ordered to surrender. Lewis Smith perceiving the hopelessness of resistance against such an overwhelming force, inquired of the British officer in command, whether if they should surrender, they would be treated as prisoners of war. The answer was, yes; but no sooner had they lowered their muskets, than the enemy shot them down.

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As a specimen of the hardships to which the private soldier in time of war is constantly liable, I may mention the following. One evening the orderly sergeants passed around among the men and with a whisper commanded us to equip ourselves without noise; and then we were marched out of the fort to a woods two miles distant, and ordered to lie down on the frozen ground, where we passed a bitter cold night with only a single blanket and our over coats to protect us. We afterwards learned that this step was taken to avoid the enemy, who it was reported were that night to attack the fort with an overwhelming force.

From such exposures and hardships as these my constitution received a shock, from which I have never recovered. The sickness of my father was considered a sufficient reason for giving me a discharge; and after eleven months service I left Stamford for Colchester [Connecticut]. On reaching home I was immediately taken sick, and for six months was unable to do any business. From that time mingled mercies and misfortunes have attended me.

The infirmities thus contracted in the service of my country, disabled me from arduous manual labor, and much of my life has therefore been spent in trade and other light employments.

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Talk with a matchmaker How it works. Get in touch 1. In short, if we take you on as a client, we guarantee you will go out on dates! Secession movements also took place in s in the Rowayton section of Norwalk, Connecticut and the East Shore section of New Haven, Connecticut with those residents citing similar concerns. It's private. Los Angeles, CA. Mayor Esposito cited a plan by the city to permit the conversion of the vacant Riverbank School into a bed residential hospice along with offices for Hospice Care Inc as a strong reason against the movement.

Raymond, W. William Odber. Winslow papers, A. JONN, N. In addition to the St. For references to the Loyalists of Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp.

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Ebenezer Dibblee, D. He was educated at Columbia College, New York, where he graduated in , probably with the intention of taking Holy Orders. In November, , Frederick Dibblee, with other Stamford Loyalists, was transported to Lebanon, in the eastern part of Connecticut, but was allowed by Governor Trumbull to return home the following spring. He engaged in trade in company with a Mr. Jackson at Oyster Bay, Long Island, and acquired some property.

They came in whale boats from New Jersey and elsewhere. In November, , they stripped him and his wife of their household goods and best wearing apparel. He joined the Loyalists going to St. John under the leadership of the Rev. John Sayre, but could not settle his business in time to go with his brother Fyler in the spring fleet of Dibblee tells a pathetic story of his trials and those of his family in a memorial addressed to Sir Guy Carleton.

Raymond, p. Redfield, John Howard.

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Recollections of John Howard Redfield. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Morris press; ; ix, pp. For references to Stamford, Connecticut, see: pp. In the spring of my father announced to us that he had concluded to send us [from Cromwell, Connecticut] to a boarding-school at Stamford, Conn.

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By stage it was full six hours from New York. In summer the journey to New York was usually made by stage-coach as far as Sawpits now Port Chester about eight miles, thence by a slow and poky steamboat, called the John Marshall, which made her passages in about four hours, so that even by this mode six hours of time was consumed, the distance of the town from New York being thirty-six miles. The population of the village at that time could hardly have been more than It had three or four churches, the largest being the Congregational, a good sized, steepled structure of the usual New England pattern.

The Episcopal Church was a small, but neat and steepled edifice near the eastern end of the village. There was also a small Methodist Church, and I think a Baptist. The dwellings and stores were mostly upon one street running east and west, being the highway between New York and Boston. The houses were for the most part neat and in good taste for architects had not yet come in , and some few of them showed evidence of wealthy ownership. Ambrose S. Todd, Rector of St. The church and the parsonage were so located as to give a triangular green in front, very suitable and convenient for a play-ground.

The good parson himself was fond of good living, and therefore kept an excellent table, and if there was any wrong done us it was probable in overfeeding us.

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I remember one instance where two of us were told that if we could bring in a certain number of eggs we should have all the pumpkin pie we could eat. The promise was faithfully kept, and I dare not say how much pie those little fellows devoured. The school was under the tuition of Joshua B. Ferris, a recent graduate of Yale College, then fitting himself for the practice of law, and afterwards a member successively of each branch of the Connecticut Legislature.

Besides the boys of Mr. Our studies were not so engrossing as to deprive us of reasonable time for play. The little triangular green fronting the church afforded an admirable play-ground for ball, football, hop-Scotch, etc. Saturday was of course a holiday, and when the weather was suitable we often had leave of absence for longer excursions, of which we were not slow to avail ourselves. This we were sometimes permitted to visit in the evening, that we might watch the workmen as they grasped with their immense tongs the heavy blooms from the furnace, and passed them between the great rollers, each successive passage reducing the thickness, till what had been a shapeless lump became a slender rod.

To see the half-clad workmen move back and forth from the dazzling light of the glowing furnace into the obscurity which surrounded them, always reminded us of the demons of the pit handling red-hot serpents.