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Native Americans in the United States

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The dance was part of a religious movement founded by the Northern Paiute spiritual leader Wovoka that told of the return of the Messiah to relieve the suffering of Native Americans and promised that if they would live righteous lives and perform the Ghost Dance properly, the European American colonists would vanish, the bison would return, and the living and the dead would be reunited in an Eden ic world. At the outbreak of the war, for example, the minority party of the Cherokees gave its allegiance to the Confederacy, while originally the majority party went for the North.

In the 19th century, the incessant westward expansion of the United States incrementally compelled large numbers of Native Americans to resettle further west, often by force, almost always reluctantly. Native Americans believed this forced relocation illegal, given the Treaty of Hopewell of As many as , Native Americans relocated to the West as a result of this Indian removal policy. In theory, relocation was supposed to be voluntary and many Native Americans did remain in the East. In practice, great pressure was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties.

In , the Cherokee became the first Native Americans recognized as U. Under Article 8 of the Cherokee treaty, "Upwards of Cherokees Heads of Families in the honest simplicity of their souls, made an election to become American citizens".

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East of the Mississippi River, an intertribal army led by Tecumseh , a Shawnee chief, fought a number of engagements in the Northwest during the period —12, known as Tecumseh's War. Native American struggles amid poverty to maintain life on the reservation or in larger society have resulted in a variety of health issues, some related to nutrition and health practices. Major League Baseball Advanced Media. Archived from the original on October 26, The remaining Native American groups banded together to face the Europeans from a position of strength. Archived from the original on September 10,

After the American Civil War, the Civil Rights Act of states, "that all persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States". Grant , ending United States recognition of additional Native American tribes or independent nations, and prohibiting additional treaties. After the Indian wars in the late 19th century, the government established Native American boarding schools , initially run primarily by or affiliated with Christian missionaries.

The boarding school experience was a total immersion in modern American society, but it could prove traumatic to children, who were forbidden to speak their native languages. They were taught Christianity and not allowed to practice their native religions, and in numerous other ways forced to abandon their Native American identities. Before the s, schools on the reservations provided no schooling beyond the sixth grade.

To obtain more, boarding school was usually necessary. The " Indian New Deal " of the s closed many of the boarding schools , and downplayed the assimilationist goals. The Indian Division of the Civilian Conservation Corps operated large-scale construction projects on the reservations, building thousands of new schools and community buildings.

The Navajo largely opposed schooling of any sort, but the other tribes accepted the system. There were now high schools on larger reservations, educating not only teenagers but also an adult audience. There were no Indian facilities for higher education. They promoted traditional arts and crafts of the sort that could be conducted on the reservations, such as making jewelry.

The New Deal reformers met significant resistance from parents and teachers, and had mixed results.

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World War II brought younger Indians in contact with the broader society through military service and work in the munitions industries. The role of schooling was changed to focus on vocational education for jobs in urban America.

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Since the rise of self-determination for Native Americans, they have generally emphasized education of their children at schools near where they live. In addition, many federally recognized tribes have taken over operations of such schools and added programs of language retention and revival to strengthen their cultures. Beginning in the s, tribes have also founded colleges at their reservations, controlled, and operated by Native Americans, to educate their young for jobs as well as to pass on their cultures.

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On August 29, , Ishi , generally considered to have been the last Native American to live most of his life without contact with European-American culture, was discovered near Oroville, California. Nearly 10, men had enlisted and served, a high number in relation to their population. On June 2, , U. Prior to passage of the act, nearly two-thirds of Native Americans were already U. He was very influential in the Senate. In he ran as the vice-presidential candidate with Herbert Hoover for president, and served from to He was the first person with significant Native American ancestry and the first person with acknowledged non-European ancestry to be elected to either of the highest offices in the land.

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American Indians today in the United States have all the rights guaranteed in the U. Constitution , can vote in elections, and run for political office. Controversies remain over how much the federal government has jurisdiction over tribal affairs, sovereignty, and cultural practices. Mid-century, the Indian termination policy and the Indian Relocation Act of marked a new direction for assimilating Native Americans into urban life. The census counted , Indians in and , in , including those on and off reservations in the 48 states.

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Some 44, Native Americans served in the United States military during World War II : at the time, one-third of all able-bodied Indian men from eighteen to fifty years of age. Their fellow soldiers often held them in high esteem, in part since the legend of the tough Native American warrior had become a part of the fabric of American historical legend.

White servicemen sometimes showed a lighthearted respect toward Native American comrades by calling them "chief". The resulting increase in contact with the world outside of the reservation system brought profound changes to Native American culture.