They provide a 45 day counseling shelter program and safety planning referrals as well as support groups. They serve women 18 years and older and women with children. They provide medication management, social rehabilitation, case management, an employment counselor, a DV counselor, individual therapy, peer groups, substance abuse groups, and a housing program case by case basis to adults 18 years and older both males.
Multiple locations in florida providing worforce connections and family services including foster care, adoption, workforce development, aid for the homeless, transitional services for troubled youth, and so much more. Provide dissemination of information regarding human trafficking, individual counseling,and support groups. Our network of behavioral health, vocational and child protective services helps people who are experiencing mental illnesses, addiction disorders, disabilities, and children who have been abused or neglected. We are an affiliate of Baptist Health Care an. Counseling services available for: infants and preschool aged children, children and adolescents, adults, parenting skills, emotional trauma, sexual abuse survivors, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning youth, co-occurring disorders substance.
The mission of the Family Life Center is to provide essential support services to individuals and families to end Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence in Flagler County. Through the collaborations of local faith communities, Family Promise of Gainesville provides homeless children and their families? Our mission is to inspire well-being and success in the lives of vulnerable children, youth and families by providing shelters, counseling, after school programs, and community education.
With a commitment to excellence in our service to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, we actively work toward every intimate relationship to be violence free.
FavorHouse is the certified domestic violence center for Escambia and Santa Rosa co. Elli Bray elli. The FBI participates in 88 human trafficking task forces and working programs around the nation. Our Victim Specialosts Work with human trafficking victims to not only advise them of their rights as victims but also to assure they get the help they need James Roncinske james.
Housing program, medication management, social rehabilitation, case management, employment counselor, DV counselor, individual therapy, peer groups, and substance abuse groups for males and females 18 years and older. Florida Abolitionist is an anti-human trafficking organization whose mission is to end modern-day human slavery.
Theresa Kennedy theresa. FDLE promotes public safetly and strengthen domestic security by providing Services in partnership with local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies to prevent, investigate, and solve crimes while protecting Florida's citizens and visitors.
Provides services in 13 counties. Project Lighthouse is a youth drop-in center to help runaway, homeless and at risk street youth. The staff locates appropriate and available services such as food and medical care. University wide initiative to provide research, education, and field placements for students and the community regarding human rights.
Parenting help for teens and young parents through the center for prevention and early intervention policy. It is the mission of the Glades County Sheriff's office to indentity and respond to the needs of the community.
To instill a professional attiude and enchance the overall quality of life through mutual trust and respect. Defend the consitutional rights of. Captain Darlyn Lewis dlewis glsdessheriff. Our mission is to educate parents and children on the warning signs of human trafficking to help prevent abductions from occurring.
Being aware of a potential threatening situation before it happens could mean the difference between life and death. Long term safe home 1 to 2 years for sex trafficking survivors years of age. The following services are provided: Medical care, spiritual guidance, mental health care, social services, legal support, reintegration, education, arts, vocational tra. Grace Ministry of Helping Hands?
Our ministry is dedicated to those who are in the grips of drug addiction, alcoholism and prostitution. The goal is to provide a pathway desi. Identifies and advocates for the best interest of sexually exploited children in the dependency system through volunteer guardians and court room advocacy. General phone number: A daily service designed for Palm Beach county residents offering opportunities such as English classes, translation services, tutoring, referrals, and after-school programs.
It serves low-income women pregnant with their first child; the women are paired with a registered nurse early in their pregnancy and receive ongoing nurse home visits. Wraparound Case Management; help youth and families ensure timely accesses to the most appropriate resources through the development of a coordinated plan that is based on the strengths, needs, culture and preferences of the child and family served.
The Victim Assistance Program works closely with the local social service agencies. Referrals are made on the basis of the victim's specific needs. Typical referrals are made for short and long-term counseling, abuse, shelters, legal aid and financial ass. Provides mental health counseling, career counseling, trauma counseling, referrals and bus passes.
They are in the process of starting a job program where they will be able hire women right from the streets and the women will be able to participate in a. To maintain a safe shelter for children who are abused, abandoned and neglected by providing prevention, early intervention, and advocacy in quality residential, assessment and recovery programs. ICE recognizes that severe consequences of human trafficking continue even after the perpetrators have been arrested and held accountable.
ICE's Victim Assistance program helps coordinate services to help human trafficking victims, such as crisis interven. They are a managing entity that provides funding support to more than 90 projects and programs throughout Miami-Dade that follow their Standards of Care. Victoria Mallete homelesstrust miamidade. Faith-based long term residential approximately months safe house on the east coast of Florida. The home is fully staffed with professionals that work with CSEC minor girls who are victims of sex trafficking.
On-site schooling, life skills, case m. Serving Duval and Baker Counties, Hubbard House, a full-service certified domestic violence center, has answered more than 98, hotline callssheltered more than 38, victims and their children in its life-saving and life-changing year history. This empowerment and support group is available for adult victims of sex trafficking.
This is a private group and will require a referral to be emailed or faxed to Belen Hervera belenh miamidade. Meetinhs take place at 11AM on. Services provided are research, raising awareness, trainings, and consultations. Sandy Skelaney wstudies fiu. They provide intensive case management to victims of all forms of human trafficking and build capacity in the community through training, technical assistance, and public awareness.
Ivon Mesa, M. Works with children and families referred by child protective services to prevent removal from the home. The program consists in intensive intervention for about hours weekly for a 4 to 6 week period. They have identified victims of human traffickin. Annette Gardiner annette. Sally Berenzwig sally kidsafefoundation. Mission: Our community working together to protect, serve, and advocate for abused children. Provides comprehensive services for commercially sexually exploited and trafficked girls.
We provide prevention resources for schools, families, communities, youth serving organizations and survivors. These resources are all free and include sexual abuse and personal safety curriculum programs to ensure we are all following best practices for. The duty of the Lee County Sheriff's Office is to preserve and protect the lives, property and constitutional guarantees of all persons.
Brad Hamilton bhamilton sherifflee. Their mission is to provide free civil legal advice, representation and education to the disadvantaged of Broward County so as to improve the lifestyle and living conditions of the low income community and encourage self-sufficiency.
Broad-based civil legal services for the poor in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. We provide shelter and case management. Also provides independent living support and housing for young adults who are homeless and want a fresh start. Individual and family counseling, support groups, legal services, immigration services for battered immigrant, advocacy and emotional support, training and opportunities for leadership, relocation assistance, and children groups.
It shall be the mission of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office to provide service to the community and respond to crime in the best tradition of professional law enforcement. In order to meet this objective, the following policy statement are promulgated. Brett Getman brett. We offer family planning services exams and birth control in our teen clinic.
Women, infant and children nutrition services. Nutritional supplementation for pregnant women case by case basis. Free STD screenings for both females and males. Provides life coaching, mental health counseling, life skill training, and social and emotional literacy training services in English and Thai.
Pro bono services are available to female victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence. We care for the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in our community through services that alleviate suffering, promote dignity and instill self-sufficiency …as an expression of the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ. Offers temporary shelter program to ages in the Dade county area; provides community based services for ages and offers referrals for victims of human trafficking.
Is an advisory board to the County Commissioners and to the community at large about women's issues and needs. It can serve as advocates to elected officials and policy makers on human trafficking issues. Laura Miller laura. Provides financial and transportation assistance to victims of domestic violence and victims of human trafficking.
It also provides shelter, advocacy, safety planning, and counseling to victims. Offers therapeutic treatment, mentoring, prevention, and safe housing to adult victims.
Lesbian Dating in Miami. Alma. 31 Miami, Florida, United States. Im a 31 year old Cuban woman living in Miami, Fl, and am a Barber by trade, but my hobbies. How are the girls in america? make me take the first plane Cant read ur message, i m not prenium. bella.
Be the leading grass-roots organization designed to help protect children around the world through educational seminars and awareness campaigns. Certified Rape Crisis Center and Child Advocacy Center providing care for child and adult victims of sexual violence or abuse.
The Agency is dedicated to the re-entry into society of those individuals struggling with homelessless, poverty, alcohol, substance use and mental health disorders utilizing a faith and evidenced based approach to treatment.