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American Capitalism Is Brutal. You Can Trace That to the Plantation.

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External Websites. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. See Article History. African captives being transferred to ships along the Slave Coast for the transatlantic slave trade, c. Learn about the history of the slave trade in the western region of Africa. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription.

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Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Slave trade , the capturing, selling, and buying of enslaved persons.

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Historians estimate that between 15 and 25 percent of the African slaves bound for the Americas died aboard slave ships. Also look for your latitude and distance from ocean in the USDA map to find your climate analogue. This may not be an accurate reflection of your balance. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. I will always and forever be grateful to ChristianMingle for connecting us. If you need an additional copy, there may be a nominal charge.

Slavery has existed throughout the world since ancient times, and trading in slaves has been equally universal. Enslaved persons were taken from the Slavs and Iranians from antiquity to the 19th century, from the sub-Saharan Africans from the 1st century…. It was one leg of the triangular trade route that took goods such as knives, guns, ammunition, cotton cloth, tools, and brass dishes from Europe to Africa, Africans to work as slaves in the Americas….

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In the Caribbean, as well as in the slave states, the shift from small-scale farming to industrial agriculture transformed the culture of these societies, as their economic prosperity depended on the plantation. Until the transatlantic slave trade was abolished in , over 12 million Africans were transported to the New World, and over 90 percent of them went to the Caribbean and South America, many to work on sugar plantations. Throughout the New World, the plantation served as an institution in itself, characterized by social and political inequality , racial conflict, and domination by the planter class.

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You cannot download interactives. Slavery was a deeply rooted institution in North America that remained legal in the United States until It took the abolition movement, a civil war, and the ratification of the 13th amendment to end slavery. Though it did not end racism and descendants of these people are still struggling with discrimination today.

Use these resources to teach more about significant figures in the abolition movement, the causes of the Civil War, and how slavery sustained the agricultural economy in the United States for centuries.